Eyelash Extensions: anyone done it?

I tried them once..
IMO .. waste of money.
They lasted about 10 days.
And were annoying...I lost lashes as well.
I paid $200 plus tip.

If the price dropped to around $60...
or if a special occasion came up,
I might consider giving them another try..
For now, I'll stick to my falsies.

I would like to know if anyone has realized her training with XtremLashes?

How was it? Are they expensive (product & training)?

I am hesitating to launch out.......

Thank you in advance
Kind regards,
I've tried this eyelash extension once, and it looked nice because it does make your eye pop. However, it doesnt last up to 2months as the lashes will fell off each day. and sometimes, it if a bunch fell off on the left eye, it will look uneven already. i guess false eyelashes is better.
I tried them last month for a military ball. I lasted a whole 2 days w/them. They began to feel uncomfortable and started sticking me. Then after I exercised and showered, some clumped up on one eye. I felt I was looking a hot mess so I returned and paid to have them removed.... lost a few of my own in the process. I will stick to the false strips when I want drama.
I started wearing individual lashes about 3 months ago and I'll give them a 5. They start out great, but when I took a shower and them wet they clumoed together and some started to "slide off". In addition I lost a lot of lashes. :sad:
I had it done and only kept it on for 2 days. It was so hard to really clean my eye make up out. It itched my eyes and I didn't really like it. It kinda mae my eye lashes look kinda scarry. I rather stick with false strip lashes for special events....or just stick with my shiseido curler and estee lauder mascara which works REALLY GOOD!! ;)

Hi Guys,

I can probably shed some light on this topic - 7 years experience in!!
LouisLady it sounds like they were not applied properly - and thats a shame because Im sure you would love them to bits if they were!

You should NEVER have sore or itchy eyes from your extensions - if you have an allergy to them, you will know within the first 24 - 36 hours, and you should go back to your extension stylist and have them removed straight away. Most people who are allergic to extensions are also allergic to acrylic nails (yes they have the same chemical in the glue!)

Eyelash extensions can look great but it takes skill from the ELE Stylist as well as good home care routine - washing your ELE with baby shampoo helps reduce make up build up as well as ll the yuck stuff that gets shed from our skin. Doing this regularly (say 3 times a week) prevents the nasty infection called Blepharitis - trust me you dont want this - and extends the life of your extensions.

Iv babbled enough lol - if you guys need any more advice or help just ask!

Hope you all try ELE's, you will be addicted they def change your face and bring out your eyes xx
I tried them last month for a military ball. I lasted a whole 2 days w/them. They began to feel uncomfortable and started sticking me. Then after I exercised and showered, some clumped up on one eye. I felt I was looking a hot mess so I returned and paid to have them removed.... lost a few of my own in the process. I will stick to the false strips when I want drama.

I started wearing individual lashes about 3 months ago and I'll give them a 5. They start out great, but when I took a shower and them wet they clumoed together and some started to "slide off". In addition I lost a lot of lashes. :sad:

ohhh :sad: it seems that alot of you out there have had bad experiences with ELE!! This is awful and as a leader in the industry I have to say that some of your stories (yes i read all 16 pages of posts!! ) are the same story over and over - your technicians need some more training!!!

The best advice I can give you guys (as the customer) is:
- Dont wet the lashes in the first 24hours - this is crucial as majority of the glues on the market need thais time to cure fully.
- avoid mascara that is waterproof - as it will clump up on your lashes and it will be too hard to remove without damaging the ELE.
- If your a big swimmer or sauna user tell your lash stylist (again avoid swimming or sauna for the first 24hrs) your lash stylist should have a product that is a clear coating ( my product is called longer life protective coating) if you apply this prior to swimming and sauna use your lashes should last as long as everyone elses!

I really want to try these but the idea of actually losing lashes...yikes, not sure I'd wanna take that chance :nogood:

Your lashes will naturally fall out over a 60-90 days cycle - I guess you probably dont notice it when your natural lashes fall out as much, but when you have an ELE attached to your natural lash and IT falls out you can see it quite clearly and it can be a bit off putting.

If you are loosing alot of lashes after you get your ELE and you can see the natural lash as well as the ELE there is a few things that could be going wrong.
- firstly, it could be that in order to give you a super thick look your stylist could have loaded your natural lashes up with the incorrect ELE size or weight and therefore your natural lashes cant cope and they fall out due to be over burdened.
- another reason they are falling out is because your lash hairs are in the "Catagen" stage of hair growth ( you have three hair growth stages) this is the stage where they fall out naturally to replenish the follicle.
- also medication also has a big impact on the strength of your hair so keep that in mind when your lashes are shedding.


I would like to know if anyone has realized her training with XtremLashes?

How was it? Are they expensive (product & training)?

I am hesitating to launch out.......

Thank you in advance
Kind regards,

Hi Alice,

I trained many years ago with Extreme (at the time they were the leaders in the industry) - I will say that they were ok. I think they are over priced and I fully understand why they insist you buy their products in conjunction with their training - its to avoid just any old Jo Smith being able to buy a kit and go off and start doing ELE - this is very scary!!!

When you are looking for training you should ask what they cover, how long they train for, how long they do prac and theory, and if they also do infill eduction and training.

You CANNOT learn ELE application via a DVD or online!!!! Trust me when I say this - you must be taught by a reputable trainer who can show you techniques and answer any questions you might have!

When I train I make sure that the theory is just as important as the practical - you need to know how to spot infections and allergies - this is very important for the health and safety of not only you but your clients. I give my students a full 3 hours of theory and then a good 8 hours of practical one on one training. They are also required to come back in three weeks time and complete infill training. They must also submit 6 full set and 3 infill before and after photos to get their certificate.

I know this sounds like alot but at the end I know all my students are going to excel in ELE and I always have comments from the general public about salons that are trained by me - means Im tough but they are doing great!!

Make sure you get some sort of discount on your kit - you shouldnt really ever pay over $500 for a training kit which should last you a good while.

Hope this helps guys - sorry Iv blabbed on again - I just really love ELE and it mad me sad to hear so many bad stories - again, if you need any help or any questions answered feel free to post or email me at [email protected]

Hi everyone,

I've had them (extreme) for 2 years and I LOVE them. I can't go without them at all. I ususally have them filled once a month and I haven't used mascara since! I admit they're not for everyone. Some of my friends tried and hated it and some love it. You just have to try and experience it for yourself. Good luck.
i have an appointment to get ELE this saturday and after reading this, i'm a bit scared.... i hope they dont ruin my natural lashes in the long run. I have already paid for it though (through Groupon), ....wish me luck!
i got mine done before my mexico trip... i got the "fling" which is a half set, but the girl ended giving me almost a full set. I paid $35 plus tip and taxes... for a full set it is $65, so a pretty good deal

it's been 3 weeks now.. it's been in heat, in salt water, regular water... and still going strong. some have fallen off but they still look good and i can still see my lashes growing... so that's a good sign. I'd def get them done again.. maybe just during summer time.. during trips
I've had extensions done before. About 2 years ago. But the first time I got it I was in high school, so that was probably 5 years ago. The second more recent time around I initially got a full set from an Aveda salon that had an Xtreme lashes cosmetician in house. Initially it was gorgeous, for around $250? After that they started falling out quite quickly, so I figured she wasn't that good. I went to my facialist and she continued to refill them for me every week when I got my facials, even if it were just a few that fell out so it was maintained quite nicely. This went on for about 3 months and I decided to go cold turkey and let them all fall out.
My natural lashes were ruined after that, but it wasn't a big deal (lol at the time it probably was but now it's not) because I anticipated that and bought a tube of Lilash, it resurrected and improved my natural lashes! Never went back to extensions ever again :nogood: