Epi Jasmin & Speedy

Thank you thank you fabulous ladies.

But such diverse comments...I am back on my own ....heehee.

OK if you can help me with one more thing. The problem I always have with speedy is the sag and the opening. Jasmin seems to open better than speedy. Not sacrificing style, I also want to use a bag comfortably too

User comments..plssss...
yeuxhonnetes said:
i love the shape of the Jasmin, and i think it would look great in black :yes:

so go for the black Jasmin!

Because Jasmin is a very simple design (though the shape is wonderful), I am afraid if the black don't show the texture of the epi leather, it would look too bland. That's my fear speaking. The boutique here ran out of black so I can't see the real thing.

BTW saw your pics...with you carry your LVssss. Beautiful collection. Despite your head missing...you carry them with style....nice.
Melocoton said:
Loving my red Jasmin. It's a very structured bag. Quite rigid. If you're looking for something softer, try the speedy.

How casual can you go with your red Jasmin?

I have never try on the red Jasmin coz the boutique here left only the blue one.

If possible, can you post pics with you carrying the bag. Thanks