Edith - Coco color or Whiskey?

^^I've been wondering if it's actually this bag! (the one that was featured on the runway). Since this one is kind of cocoa and not really a chocolate color... Also this one looks more "distressed" where as the whiskey and chocolate bags that we've seen thus far don't seem distressed at all!
What do you think????

beauxgoris said:
^^I've been wondering if it's actually this bag! (the one that was featured on the runway). Since this one is kind of cocoa and not really a chocolate color... Also this one looks more "distressed" where as the whiskey and chocolate bags that we've seen thus far don't seem distressed at all!
What do you think????


I can't see the pic in your post, just a red x, but I absolutely agree with what you wrote! I love how vintage it looks; even my sister, who owns a vintage jewelry business and has not a clue about bags, died over the picture of the bag on the girl's shoulder. I'll take delivery of the chocolate which can always be returned if the cocoa ever arrives.

I know this may sound weird, but every time I see this picture, I can't help but wonder what the girl is wearing. You see the bare legs up the length of the empire state building!

Maybe I'm just too timid.:shame: