Do you have a PDA phone?


a Fendi bag and a bad attitude
Jul 5, 2007
Do you use a PDA phone and if so what do you use it for? How is it helpful. I have thought about getting one but honestly don't know if I would use the functions.

What are the best functions? Do you absolutely love it or was it a waste of money? which one do you have?
I have a Cingular 8125 and I love it. I've had it for almost 2yrs so an upgrade is in order. My internet appears like a computer so I love that functionality, and I have a full QWERTY sliding keypad which makes texting simple because the buttons are large. I use it to manage my time using the calendar function. I have a memory card and there's 200 songs on it. When I was a manager I got corporate as well as personal email. I used to use the Excel and Word functionalities for work. It's like having a full computer in my pocket! Very convenient. Oh and there's wifi built in for those that have access to a network so the internet does not have to come from the service provider. I love it more than any other phone out there, and I used to be a manager for Cingular for years so I'm pretty well versed in cell phones and their technology. I'll never use a regular (non pda) phone again.
I have a Moto Q from Verizon and I love it. It's really a great phone. It's easy to check emails, text message..which about all i use it for it. Going online..I can't stand to stare at the small screen to long, but it's a good phone. It's pretty thin and lightweight too.
I have one, but the phone-part kinda died, so I just use it as a PDA now ;)
My dad still has his, and he loves it. It's really usefull! The screen breaks really easily though, and replacing it is really expensive.
I have a Moto Q from Verizon and I love it. It's really a great phone. It's easy to check emails, text message..which about all i use it for it. Going online..I can't stand to stare at the small screen to long, but it's a good phone. It's pretty thin and lightweight too.

I have this same phone and agree with Bags ... it's a great phone. My DH has the Blackberry Pearl and he's always grabbing my phone because it's easier to navigate.
Ummm - scheduling appts, text messaging, email. Its saved me a couple of times when I got lost, just pulled up Google maps and got directions. PDA's are a wondeful thing. :tup:

Oh and they have voice recognition which is pretty cool. Also, the phone book is amazing. Its got, I dunno, Id say about 30 different variables?? for each contact.
I have a Treo 750w. I use it to keep myself organized. I'm taking a full load of classes and juggling 2 jobs. I put my tasks, due dates, assignments, appointments, events, etc. in there, so I always have a reminder of what I need to do. I used to have an ipaq, but I got tired of carrying a pda and cell around, so I just got a smartphone.
I have this same phone and agree with Bags ... it's a great phone. My DH has the Blackberry Pearl and he's always grabbing my phone because it's easier to navigate.
I was set on getting the Pearl before I picked the treo. But, I was playing around with the other smartphones and liked the treo the best.
I have a sidekick3 and a pocket pc and I like them both....but I like the sidekick3 more but tmobile phone service is bad in our area, so I have the pocket pc with verizon.

The plan was to ditch the SK3 when I got the pocket pc, but the SD3 is enough better for IM, etc I decided to keep it.
I have a Blackberry and I couldn't live without it. I am considering getting either a Q or a Treo though because I want a full keypad. It is definitely worth it if you need to check your email and keep a calendar handy.
I have a Moto Q. I love it. I use it a lot for text, honestly if you text as much as I do, having a PDA with a full keypad is essential. I also use it for work and school (emails etc). It's also my calenders however I also have a agenda book. And last, I talk on it a lot. :smile:
I have a Treo 700p, which is an excellent phone aside from its tendency to go into reset loops. When the phone resets it's a total pain, and I wish I had any other phone but this one. But I use my phone to make calls, check email, send text and instant messages, read ebooks, browse the internet, listen to music, watch video, play games, and keep track of my schedule. I also have a Razr, which I detest. Even as problematic as my Treo is, I'd rather have it than a regular phone if I could only have one phone. It's so customizable, everything from the UI to the sounds. Really, I don't know how I survived before it. I especially love Google maps and driving directions, and being able to access websites and all other kinds of information on the go. I almost got a different phone before getting this one earlier this year like a Q or something, but having a touch-screen phone is mandatory. I'll probably upgrade my phone again in the Spring. I thought about a iPhone, I also tried the Windows Treo before getting the 700p, and I hated it. So I'm sticking to the Palm OS for now.