Do You Ask for a Haute a' Courroies or a HAC?

I've tried to emulate the way DQ pronounces "oat aw cwah" but I sound like an idiot (the same for rouge H, which is why I ask for rouge Hermes).... Now if it would only be so easy to order Japster's cleavage - I'd sure get me some! LOL!!!
"oat aw cwah"

Sue, that looks like something we could train our cats to pronounce.

My cat can already pronounce "cleavage" ( and our Japster is just a precious Lady!)
Thank you so much for all the responses. I don't even feel like a dummy as all of you were so nice. I will walk around the house saying "oat aw cwah" until I get it right! My son would just roll his eyes as he lived in Paris for four years and can't seem to understand why my mouth can't make those sounds. Maybe if I practice really hard I can say it properly and actually have luck finding one at an Hermes store since I have struck out on Birkins for two years. Luckily, I was able to say Kelly without too much trouble and she came home with me last year!
Most Americans cannot even speak proper English. So why the snobbery in proper French pronunciations? If you can afford it, say it any way YOU feel comfortable. If you have a snotty SA request another, kinder more helpful one :smile:
'ello, this thread is a little three years old .. :P

wellll .. to update this .. I've heard some SA's refer the HAC as 'oat' and in Shanghai/H, the SA's pronounce the HAC as 'oat d'aw cwafu'
'ello, this thread is a little three years old .. :P

wellll .. to update this .. I've heard some SA's refer the HAC as 'oat' and in Shanghai/H, the SA's pronounce the HAC as 'oat d'aw cwafu'

Yes - three years old and still attracting replies!

Anyway my SA offered me one and called it a "HAC" - she's very down to earth anyway and doesn't mind how I pronounce things and believe me, I've made a few mistakes too! She didn't even look down at me when my daughter called it a "Gherkin" rather than a "Birkin" and that's easy to pronounce....:P