Do dogs know when other dogs are sick?

I definitely think dogs do know when other dogs are sick, even humans as well. Whenever I was sick or anyone from my family, my dog would be extra sweet and affectionate to us.
I hope Betty turns out well. :flowers:
My labrador knew when our cat was sick. They were best friends (we got them both at the same time), and all of a sudden he started avoiding Stormy. Stormy then started attacking our younger dog, Lily and other people in my family.
We discovered Storm had a brain tumor and Toby never came near Storm again until we put Stormy to sleep. So he knew his friend wasn't the same cat he had been friends with for ten years.

Both Toby and Lily know when we're unwell, they get very sooky and even more gentle than they normally are.
its all about scent with animals - not some kind of sixth sense. they can smell illness in humans and other animals. we are not so in tuned with the all the odors our bodies release because we don't have to be. animals cannot speak and reason with each other so their sense of smelling, hearing and vision (depending on the animal/species) is heightened. blind people experience this. other senses are enhanced to make up for their sight.
as humans if someone has a cold, they sneeze so we keep away from them because they become a liability to us. in the animal world a "cold" is an abstract idea they cannot comprehend so another animal sneezing doesn't mean much to them but they can smell something is not quite right with that animal. hope that makes sense.
Yes, they definitely know.

We had an old cat who succumbed to cancer about a month ago. One of our other cats - the one who usually beats everyone else up and acts like a total turd - was always very sweet and gentle around her. He would even sit and WAIT for her to finish eating before he would butt in on the food. He didn't do this with any other cats. I think it was because she was very elderly.

I also agree that animals know when we humans are sick or emotionally upset. Several years ago I was upset over something and crying, and our mean old tomcat who normally has nothing to do with me came over and curled up in my lap and started purring.
I completely agree! I highly recommend the book "Cold Noses at The Pearly Gates". This book was so helpful when I lost my boxer girl last year. It points out several passages in the bible that tells us how important animals are to God; and there are several passages in the Bible that talks about animals in heaven. The author also points out that it was no mistake Christ was born in
a manger with animals to witness the birth of God's son.

That's really interesting. I had not heard of this book, but I'm going to look for it. I'm Baptist, and I've heard a lot of people say that animals don't go to heaven. I have even heard preachers say that, but I've never actually heard a Biblical basis for either side of the argument. I'm very interested to read this, if I can keep a dry eye!

I don't want to imagine a heaven where there aren't animals - I just don't believe that's what heaven would be like.
^ Thanks. She was my husband's cat before I met him, so she was pretty old. Her name was Eleanor, after Eleanor Roosevelt. She had such a funny personality - when I first met my husband she would NOT come near me at all. She would actually go out of her way to walk a circle around me! :lol: Normally animals come right up to me. Once she figured out I let her sleep under the blankets, it was all good, though. She was a sweet kitty and she was very loved.
its all about scent with animals - not some kind of sixth sense. they can smell illness in humans and other animals. we are not so in tuned with the all the odors our bodies release because we don't have to be. animals cannot speak and reason with each other so their sense of smelling, hearing and vision (depending on the animal/species) is heightened. blind people experience this. other senses are enhanced to make up for their sight.
as humans if someone has a cold, they sneeze so we keep away from them because they become a liability to us. in the animal world a "cold" is an abstract idea they cannot comprehend so another animal sneezing doesn't mean much to them but they can smell something is not quite right with that animal. hope that makes sense.

This is so very true. We've always had hounds of different types, and labs who are very scent-oriented. We've had a few hounds who seem almost psychic at interpretting my and my husband's emotions, especially when we're feeling down or just plain sad. One big old hound we had used to crawl into bed and sprawl across the chest of the sufferer, putting his face against ours. It was incredible.

The dogs also pick up on the fact when another dog is down with an illness, reacting with compassion or outright hysteria that their pal is unable to cavort and play. One of our hounds tore up the house while his pal was sick and we weren't home. Our neighbors said they saw potted plants flying and they tried to break inside to calm him down. We came home to find part of the house in shambles. There was even a large chunk bitten out of the kitchen counter--only god knows why. No, the poor pooch had never behaved this way. Our other dog died a few days later.

A lot of it is scent, but some of it is also behavior. When one dog sees that his pal is not behaving with his usual friskiness he gets very sad indeed.
A lot of it is scent, but some of it is also behavior. When one dog sees that his pal is not behaving with his usual friskiness he gets very sad indeed.

yeah they can panic. alone they are vulnerable in the wild. a dog lives in the moment. they don't know everything is going to be okay. if we have anxiety they sure pick up on that too. they look to us as the alpha leader of the pack so when we are not okay, they are not okay. they are truly little angels with fur.

Hope OPs doggie is doing okay today.
Hmmm, just confirms my belief that animals are purely creatures of God. Such amazing, pure of heart and truly wonders of the world. No judgments or criticisms from them and they treat us everyday as if it were the first time they have seen you in years. Humans could sure learn some life-lessons from these angels sent by God for us to be blessed with. No wonder they are only with us for such a short period of time. Because they are pure and truly altruistic. I know that they don't require many lessons from God because they already "get it". I fell so blessed to have been part of their lives if even for such a short while.

Completely, completely, completely agree. Couldn't say this better myself.
Animals know. One of the neighbors cats used to "stalk" my Yorkie. But after he's been recently sick and diagnosed w/ an aggressive cancer, that cat leaves my pup alone.

The other dogs know as well. When we took him the to park yesterday, all the dogs came by - not your normal "sniff and greet" but more like sad greetings. I can't explain. Every single dog (that we have never met before) came by to my pup and looked at him worried.

It was very sad. I petted each one and said "it's ok. I know." Due to his advanced age and possible trauma of a major evasive procedure, we decided for nature to take it's course. He will join God in heave in the next month or so.

As his mom, I just have to ensure he has no suffering and know when to do the deed. In the meantime, we are filling his life with as much love and happiness possible.