Dawn's small but well-loved collection

I think we are all waiting to hear about your next adventure. A much more laid back adventure--you deserve it! :smile: Your lack of complacency is admirable, and now you get to enjoy the rewards for all your hard work. I have a feeling you will keep moving forward as you decide where you want to go. :smile:
It’s been a really funny summer, worrying about future life choices. I have had lots of soul searching conversations with my parents, my friends and of course Mr Dawn and I think he and I have made a lot of peace with a lot of things, but sometimes the sheer expanse of choices of what life could be is overwhelming and I’m prone to overthink! Definitely a mid life crisis :lol:

Thank you xx
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So now for all the updates! I realised I haven’t updated this thread for 2 months and it’s been a very busy summer, that is now turning into autumn (it’s still quite mild in London!)

Now that baby Dawn is a bit older, I’m starting to arrange some time with Mr Dawn occasionally to go out with friends or by myself (I’m fairly introverted actually, in terms of how I recharge!) and he’s doing the same. So a collage of some of my activities in August and September is attached. Lots of fun in between the serious “what is life” mulling :lol::facepalm::cool:
I haven’t done much superbrand shopping in the past couple of months, but since my last updates, I have bought two things—a new pair of Dior beige pump heels to wear in the office, and a pink Gucci scarf, in anticipation of the winter months ahead!

(Ps. I’ve also been looking critically at the house since my studies ended… the silk carpet in this photo and the duck egg ottoman are both new :P)



I also had a bit of travel.

I thought I hadn’t travelled at all this year (I just work, and study, and look after my baby and home :lol:) but then I was trying to sync plans with a friend and she said my diary was as much to blame as hers and I gallivant more than she does. Which made me do a tally, and so far this year, I think I’ve been to:
- Nice, Monaco and other cities in South of France
- Brussels
- Amsterdam
- Stuttgart
- Istanbul
- Paris
- the Algarve
And probably a couple of others, but I sometimes just do quick trips for work or a weekend so I don’t always remember!

Since I’m focusing these updates on August and September, the two trips worth noting are a week in the Algarve (southern Portugal) and a quick day trip to Paris to see a friend. We picked Paris as being in the middle of our cities. I had already been travelling for work to Germany during the week so I didn’t want to be away from family for the weekend. So we just had a day—met at Angelina for a leisurely brunch, did a lot of (mostly window!) shopping around Rue St Honore, had an early dinner on the Champs-Elysees and then caught our trains home. It was a lovely day!

And then last week, we had a family holiday to the Algarve. It was really lovely. We’ve been many times to the area, so we never worry about FOMO by not visiting new places while we’re there, which is essential for peace of mind with a three year old :lol: A small collage of the holiday attached; we just got back last night!

What else should I update on? I never update on Baby Dawn, but in the past couple of months with the increased mental bandwidth since my masters ended, I’ve also been overhauling her play areas and wardrobe, as well as practical things (picking her school!)

Not very exciting but here is some of her autumn-winter wardrobe and new dolls house!



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I also had my 15th work anniversary. I’ve been working in the same company for 15 years. How old do I feel?! :lol: And this has been a big part of my life mulling recently—is this still what I want to do, where I want to grow? For now, the answer remains yes. I am both loyal and stubborn and I feel that I’ve not finished the various personal and corporate growth goals I have. I’ve been building a new practice area over this year, and I had to present at a Board meeting in July. I was taken aback by how much support there was for my idea of what this practice area could be, which is after all just my imagination at this stage—instead of “is this a good idea?” I got quizzed by my Board on “why aren’t you going faster, investing more, hiring more people…” which was great but a bit overwhelming!

Anyways, for my 15th anniversary, each Board member wrote a message to me in a card. Here are some of the highlights:

- (From our Chair): Dear Dawn, what can I say...words are not enough… You have become over the years one of my closest colleagues… I hope you will enjoy the next 15+ years and I certainly look forward to continuing working closely with you for a long time!

- Dear Dawn, 15 amazing years, where you have achieved so much! You are an example of how passion and dedication for what you do have helped to make this such a great place…

- (from current CEO) Yo* Dawn, what a fabulous milestone in your journey, and the best is yet to come!

(*It’s an in-joke. We talk in slang with each other as if we’re cool. I’m deeply uncool :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: So is he :lol:)

- (from my manager) Dear Dawn, Congratulations for achieving such a milestone!! You have accomplished so much during the period, and I'm proud to be part of your journey. More, more to come…

- Dear Dawn, You have come a long way in the last 15 years and you are only just getting started! …

- (from ex-CEO) Dearest Dawn, What can I say? A force of nature, a warm whirlwind bringing people together, always seeing a framework and a solution in every challenge… It has been a huge privilege to be part of your successful journey and I am endlessly grateful that you have chosen us as your work family. I look forward to continuing to learn together as you flourish as a leader.
So that’s all that happened over August and September. It was rather a lot actually. I’m tired :lol::facepalm:

I am also still very much hankering for a shiny black box leather bag. On my short list are a YSL Manhattan, and a Launer Traviatta. Ideas welcome! Decisions, decisions :facepalm:
Hi Miss Dawn :wave:. Great to get your update and your beautiful photo collage. What a fun and busy summer you had. Glad you are enjoying a little ”free” time now that your studies are over (of course, I know you are still super crazy busy with your job, Baby Dawn and family). Cant believe Baby Dawn is 3 now!!! Where did the time go? Our children will always be our “babies” no matter how old they are. Love her pretty clothes — pink and purple, unicorns, all so girly and sweet. Big Congrats on your 15th Anniversary at work and thanks for sharing some of the warm messagea that you got. You are well loved at work which makes it a great place to work.

I love your pretty new scarf — pink is always a wonderful choice for you and me :smile:. Good luck choosing your new black handbag. I looked up both of those bags you mentioned and they are very beautiful and very you. I have not heard of Launer before — very well made and luxe looking bags.

Have a lovely week :smile:
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Hi Miss Dawn :wave:. Great to get your update and your beautiful photo collage. What a fun and busy summer you had. Glad you are enjoying a little ”free” time now that your studies are over (of course, I know you are still super crazy busy with your job, Baby Dawn and family). Cant believe Baby Dawn is 3 now!!! Where did the time go? Our children will always be our “babies” no matter how old they are. Love her pretty clothes — pink and purple, unicorns, all so girly and sweet. Big Congrats on your 15th Anniversary at work and thanks for sharing some of the warm messagea that you got. You are well loved at work which makes it a great place to work.

I love your pretty new scarf — pink is always a wonderful choice for you and me :smile:. Good luck choosing your new black handbag. I looked up both of those bags you mentioned and they are very beautiful and very you. I have not heard of Launer before — very well made and luxe looking bags.

Have a lovely week :smile:
Dear Iamminda, I really have been enjoying the “free” time since my studies ended! Now that I’m only working full time and raising a 3 year old, I don’t know what to do with all of the time :lol: In fact, Baby Dawn has been doing a lot more with me—she loves cooking with me and that’s been a really fun thing for us to do together.

I say cooking, but really I’m no domestic goddess, so I treated myself recently to a cooking robot (a Thermomix) and it’s been great—we’re experimenting so much more with cooking from scratch, and Baby Dawn is growing up in a house where all the devices are labour saving… the Alexa and the Google Home, the “coffee robot” and the “cooking robot”—I reckon this is still setting a good enough example :giggle::giggle:

She can do it all and have it all, if she finds the right life partner and she has the right devices (and right accessories of course…) :love:
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So it’s been several months since I updated this thread!

I have a few updates of things I’ve gotten since October… all the pretty things :biggrin::heart:

First of all, now that I’m an old elegant lady of 37, I have got some silk scarves, and they have each had their first outings to the theatre and museums (because I’m an old elegant lady)…

They were both from Versace, and really lovely colours for my wardrobe! IMG_9175.jpegIMG_9100.jpeg
I have been using my new found leisure to go to more museums, exhibitions, shows, even some tv and radio show recordings! (Who am I, and when did I get time for so much fun?) Sometimes I go with one of my friends and Mr Dawn looks after Baby Dawn, but if we’re together, some things we can still see together (with appropriate bribes, of course!) and can take Baby Dawn to outings with us, or very occasionally leave her for babysitting so we can see a late show. Such a big life change to all the pre-baby years, but it’s still great :heart: And one of the exhibits I managed to see recently was the sold out Chanel exhibition at the V&A. I really enjoyed that!IMG_0471.jpeg