Crooked Handle on My Kelly

It does look crooked to me,and it would drive me crazy.I would take it back and see what the boutique will do for you.At the cost of these beauties, I want mine to be perfect.Best wishes,keep us posted.
For me, personally, I will bring it in and talk to my SA. Especially it bothers you, if not, you will not be here asking for advice. To me, it is a "manufacturing" thingy and it should be addressed.
Just my view :flowers:

Edited to say: I just read the other thread.. hopefully they are able to massage the handle back in balance?
I can see that people's opinions will differ on this. But it obviously bothers you so regardless of what anyone thinks it would continue to bother you unless you show it to your SA. If they can fix it easily then they will, and if not they can give you another one.