Cristiano Ronaldo -- soccer dude

No H, just sayin'.

He suffers from Beckham disease: All muscle, no ... let's just say, his trousers could be... "fuller". Feel me? :graucho:

ETA: And Bisexual or not, I highly doubt he'll ever accept it if he is. He doesn't come across as the type to be okay with himself. He's a narcissist, he loves himself, but not his feelings.
Hey, I'm just talking about his body, not looking deep enough for the emotions.

I agree he's arrogant as hell, but it's not like I'm trying to get with him.
I wasn't talkin' about his emotions, I was just sayin' he's a meat-head.

He should send some down to his skivvies, 'cuz that's why I can't get into him.

All the blood goes to his neck. LOL.

Ya'll can have him!

(Naw, but I'd smash if I had to.)