confiscated carly???!

OMG! I would have put my foot down if they tried to do that. Even with a school honor code, that's just asking for a theft!

We've had to do this a couple of times, and they always give notice so we can opt to leave out things in the car/in our dorms. You should suggest this option to your professor because it really is distracting during an exam, especially when people leave at different times.

Yea, but the incident I described above that was just not possible (no car) and my second "final" was a computer presentation and 20 min. was not enough time to get to the apt. to pick up the laptop inbetween the finals.

I agree though, if they intend to take away your belongings you should be told WAY in advance.
OMG....I would just DIE if someone wanted to throw my precious Carly around! I have taken MANY school exams up to my Masters Degree and thankfully this has NEVER happened to me...I feel for you and Carly! I am glad you got her back in the same condition they took her from you in. That really wasnt fair b/c your mind wasnt on the was on your Carly! How do you think you did on the test? I hope you did well! Good luck!
Not touching another person's bag has always been an unspoken rule for as far back as I can remember. It's something that would be considered a personal violation.

I've NEVER had a professor relocate my bag (or anything else) while an exam was in progress. Unless prior notice had been given, I would have complained on two counts: 1) the inappropriate gesture, and 2) the distraction caused by the gesture.

It can be stressful enough to be under the pressure of an exam alone, without the added concern over losing one's personal belongings!
ugh i hate it when i have to do this in exams, but the fact that they took your stuff...not cool at all. I would definetely complain and/or write about it on the course evaluation (if you have the chance still). Hope you still did well on your exams-this is a rough time of year with school--especially when you have to worry about your beloved bag the whole test!!!