Come share your February/March 2008 Purchases!

My 08 S/S EB RH City! Recieved today!


Full (closest color to real life)

Kitty wanted to be in the picture too :P
aki, you are scaring me. i am planning to break a few months coz my bank account needs a break badly. but what if i do that & goes a little trigger happy like you when i am released from my hold? :wtf::sad::confused1::hysteric:

how many months were you good???
aki, you are scaring me. i am planning to break a few months coz my bank account needs a break badly. but what if i do that & goes a little trigger happy like you when i am released from my hold? :wtf::hysteric:

how many months were you good???

:lol: Sorry Pinkboudoir..but this is the cycle with Bbags for me :sweatdrop:
I can't give any good advise than if you love it, you should :angel::graucho:

:shame: Errr...I was good for two months :shame: