*** Butterfly*'s Christian Louboutin Collection ***

CCKL, karwood, sakura, asha, E2...

Thank You!!! :heart::flowers:


karwood - It definitely was not due to color or style, but I ended up returning them because I had originally purchased them to go with a few dresses that I have and after doing some thinking, there was no need to keep them since I already have a few shoes that go with them.

E2 - Can't wait to see the final product of your new strass'!!
I have got to stop looking at other people's CL collections. It makes me think that it is ok to spend the mortgage payment on shoes...

I love your collection!
gorgeous collection i love them all so much but i'm really digging those silver mini bout?? (i think that's what they are called?) and all the suede's mmmmmm..... i feel like a total shoevert at the moment ha ha
Such an amazing, well-rounded (to me) collection and close to my size!! I would so squeeze my feet is in some of them! lol

Miss Money Penny, Pilot, Archidisco, python Rolando's, both pair of BLING BLINGS :drool:. Just to name a few of my favs!! Now I know what older pairs I need to add to my monthly list!

There is not one pair that I would not buy for myself!!

Um, where did you get the silver Minibouts or did you have them dyed?