Bishes IV

We're good. I like Baba's new GF much better than the Ho he was engaged to.
I love that Coco found 'her spot' you tell her Auntie Coco will come take her for a spa day! What are her favorite snacks?
Rick & i finally got covid in October, then Baba got it and we were just quarantined together. Baba had it in 2022 as well, but he got it at a concert on vacation, so he came right home and went to bed. I set up a pulley system to raise a basket up to right outside his room, felt brilliant for thinking of it. Fo rick and I never got it that time, but this time it came from Rick, to me then Baba.

My new 'love to mock' celebs are Hazzno & The Ho. Damn, I have to find that Kim pic with the double melon. I think the game forum needs to see it. They could use a good laugh. :smile:
Coco loves everything. She also has a brother Yoshi. When my Tiggy passed the rescue I always get my Chows from had no males. Coco would have none of that plus we were both so depressed. As luck we have it, I was browsing the Next Door app and found a Chow Shepherd mix in need of a new home. We introduced them as it was love at first sight. He is a sweetheart and he can never get enough love. His nickname is "Sneaky Pete" as he is very devious about finding food. They make a good pair.

This past week with the sinus infection from hell, Coco is so protective of me never leaving my side. Yoshi wanted no part of sick Mama, Not snuggling me again until yesterday when my foghorn voice started to leave.