Azur Speedy 30 for 50 something women

It sounds like you love it, so I would not care about demographics and just go for it! On a more personal note, MY mom was the one who introduced LV to me! =)
I am 46 and have the Azur Speedy 25. I don't associate any LV's with age. In fact, I saw a woman who appeared to be 60 (ish) with an azur speedy a few weeks ago and it looked great on her.
^^ I agree, Pamajama!

Anyone can carry whatever complements their wardrobe colors... I'm 43, I can see myself carrying Azur if I was head to toe in black, the contrast would be striking.
Im 50 something and although I don't have the Speedy - I do have the Saleya PM in Azur - and asked a similar question last summer. This forum convinced me to try carrying it rather than gift it to my younger daughter - then if I didn't feel comfortable - pass it to her.
Well I loved it - got many compliments - and loved carrying it. I felt regret rotating her out after the summer. Anyways I loved the pattern so much that I 'm considering getting the speedy 30 this summer.
You'll look great.