Tech Apple Watch

Thank you Bag and Squidgee, and congrats on getting yours today as well. I don't remember when I last checked the time this often. No excuses to be late anywhere ever now. :smile:
Squidgee its your turn to share some pics :wave:

edit: haha you beat me to it, looks beautiful on you, congrats! Is that a 38 or 42?
Thank you Bag and Squidgee, and congrats on getting yours today as well. I don't remember when I last checked the time this often. No excuses to be late anywhere ever now. :smile:
Squidgee its your turn to share some pics :wave:

edit: haha you beat me to it, looks beautiful on you, congrats! Is that a 38 or 42?

Thanks Baglady! It's a 38mm. :biggrin:
It's pretty cool. My bpm was 68, I had never checked my heart rate before! Good to know it's not that bad since I'm pretty unfit. Just started the couch to 5k and hope the watch will help me out with tracking and improving my fitness levels!
^ It wouldn't be its own number, like a second line. But it does function on its own to make phone calls, very Inspector Gadget, 007 or Dick Tracey! I couldn't help but smile when I was walking around talking on it, its fun and different and new, and straight out of an older movie or comic book.