Anyone with a slightly low self esteem

I like to purposefully weird people out. If they're staring and making you uncomfortable, you have a great opportunity to make THEM feel uncomfortable (stare back and gesture strangely at them, or pick your nose and flick it in their direction, or think of something to do to freak them out).
I am insecure so I try to blow it off on the other extreme.
If I feel someone is giving me the once over, I just stare back at them as if to say-uh what is your problem? I like giving them the "once-over" back.
Sometimes people just don't realize, they maybe staring at our clothes, our purses, who knows?
If they're young teenagers being stupid, I just go "whatever" and move on.
I do sometimes feel down on myself, but usually for other things. An example of this recently, someone said to me "Well, when I went to Princeton....and I am thinking, Gee, I went to University of Kentucky and Cincinnati.
Ultimately, we are who we are and there are somethings we can't change. Like there is no way, I am going to do another six years of school, just to say I went to a better school. I just figure at least I have an education. There are many things in this world we have that many people don't. We all have something special to offer.