anyone smoke?

I don't smoke but I don't have any problem with it. It seems like anything halfway enjoyable will kill you in one way or another. Sometimes when I smoke I'll bum one because I enjoy the motion of smoking, but that's not more than a couple times a year. I have a few friends that hate it so much that they get offended and huffy if someone has the nerve to smoke outside at a bar (it's not allowed inside in Athens, even at bars), I can't understand why they let it bother them so much. They're not allergic or anything. Just seems like there are more nefarious things to focus on hating.
Nope I don't smoke. My mom is a respiratory therapist and scared me straight long ago. Now that I think about it no one in my immdediate family smokes. I can't stand the smell of smoke.
I smoke when I'm out drinking. I have no urge to smoke any other time, but while I am out socializing with friends and cocktails, I'd have a hard time not smoking. It also doesn't help that I live in a state where smoking in bars is not banned...
i don't smoke, but my fiance does and i'm trying to get him to quit because i hate the smell of cig smoke, it's such a nasty habit. He says he wants to quit before he's 30 so he has a few years to quit but the sooner he does the happier i'm going to be.
I don't. 2nd hand smoke stuffs up my nose. If I'm even in a hotel room that isn't non-smoking, I won't think the faint smell isn't bad until I wake up in the morning with a nasty headache. People can smoke as much as they wish, as long as the nicotine doesn't reach my nose and my lungs.
I had been smoking for 25+ years (yes, I started VERY early in my life). During the most recent years I was at 4 packs per day (20 cigarettes each pack) and on odd days I would go up to 5 packs a day. I work for a cigarette manufacturer and actually my job requirement called for me to smoke/taste which has never bothered me as I have always loved the taste of (the right kind of) cigarettes (well, not all the trials we made).

I changed departments recently and I no longer need to taste so unconsciously I reduced from 4 to 2 packs over the past 6 months and about 6 weeks ago I just decided to quit as I am on medication and smoking while taking that particular medication increases risk for DVT quite dramatically.

I am lucky in that I have had no problems quitting at all (especially considering I am in a heavy smoker environment), no cravings for cigarettes and what's best, I have even managed to lose weight as I am on a self-imposed diet at the same time :yahoo:

But I still love the smell of cigarettes and I do not mind at all if others smoke around me (depending on the brand they smoke, some smell worse). I will definitely never be an anti smoker.

I agree that in non-smoking places, one smells many different things today that were being masked before. When airlines went non-smoking, that was actually one of the many complaints one could hear, even from non smokers. Somehow the smell of smoke is better than BO, farts, strong old-ladies-perfume, etc.
Dh and I gave up 6 months ago, and it was relatively painless. I'd smoked for almost 20 years - at one point I was on 20 a day, but for a long time had only had a couple when I had a glass of wine, so about a pack a week. Dh was on about 10 a day and had smoked for 12 years (he started when he was 13!). Well, I do feel a bit better health wise, not least because I hardly ever drink alcohol now - it just isn't the same without a cigarette! But by far the biggest advantage is the money saved. We were spending almost £200 a month on cigarettes, and we were relatively light smokers. Imagine how much we'd be saving if we'd both been on two packs a day or something! Also, my skin and hair are better, and I'm sleeping better too (same goes for dh). But I have put on weight... All that money saved (plus the money we save by hardly drinking alcohol) seems to get spent on delicious meals out and so on...
I'm a smoker... yes shoot me now!..LOL! It's my personal choice and I am totally aware of the consequences! However, I respect people that don't. If I'm with friends who don't, I ask if it's cool before I light one up around them. I absolutely do not believe in imposing my personal choices on anyone else. Especially since second hand smoke is just as harmful. I also believe it's a sin to smoke around children. It's not as easy for children to avoid being around it. Especially if their parents or family smoke. I don't have children but, my nieces and nephews don't even know I smoke. I take every chance I get to tell them how harmful it is. It is illegal to smoke in enclosed public places, even bars, where I'm from and I totally support that. Unlike other harmful habits, cigarette smoke affects everyone around it. Again, I do not believe in imposing my personal beliefs or habits on anyone else. I also avoid smoking in enclosed private areas to prevent my clothes from smelling like smoke. To me, stale smoke odor is the worst.
4 packs a day? Thats insane! Ive cut back a lot. I went from anywhere to a pack to a pack and a half a day to 4 or 5 a day. Ive been coughing a lot now and for some reason Im seeing a lot of long cancer either on TV or around me IRL, Im taking that as a sign and starting to ween off. I have a carton and a half left from when I went to NC and after they are gone Im done. Plus I had a dream where they stopped making my brand (Marlboro Menthol Smooth), so I took that as a sign to stop as well.