Anyone selling anything on Ebay or Bonanzle or are sales really slow

diana12457, every so often, eBay will have a special low price for listing your items. The downside is that many people take advantage of it and all list at the same time, and therefore, the auctions end at the same time. In other words, lots of competition when selling.
My experience has been that lately low-priced item seem to move well. I have quite a few used things that I am letting go at rock-bottom prices since otherwise they'll just end up in Salvation Army. They all go without the need to relist. High-end items are a whole other story.

There seems to be an army of bargain hunters out there.
Honestly, I can't even sell a Chanel blanc ceramic nail polish right now at a reasonable price with a load of nice samples. I would not list right now. Also, it's important to note that I think that ebay selling/buying has an addictive quality. Now that I've started selling a bit, I'm determined that my sales and purchases balance. I want an engraved fischer space pen for my husband for one of his V-day gifts and I want to buy it on ebay with paypal so I want to sell the nail polish.... LOL :nuts:
I think anything pink is always the exception... :smile:
I don't agree I have the most fabulous Alexander McQueen skulls scarves listed in to die for pink, every time I wear mine I get so many compliments & stares yet they are not selling. I think people are just not buying on ebay anymore, noone trusts it because of all their fakes & messing people around!
But how could I fake nail polish? Do you think I need to say it's authentic? I guess I could include the receipt... As it stands, my auction already looks like a Crazy Eddie Commercial because of all the "extra" offers... :girlsigh:
Honestly, I can't even sell a Chanel blanc ceramic nail polish right now at a reasonable price with a load of nice samples.

Believe it or not that's actually more than what I'd refer to as "low-priced". I mean like my black Ferragamo pumps which I wore once and let go at $9.99. :crybaby:The only reason I am not crying is that otherwise it's just going to Salvation Army anyway. DH says I have to make space.

I've even gotten emails from buyers who were surprised at how nice my things were. Somehow right now there's a bargain-hunting mentality that doesn't seem to care much about quality, as long as it comes dirt-cheap.
Guys, do you think this is just a "post Xmas I over spent oops" thing, i.e. it is cylical, or is it that b-bags are generally (the horror!) becoming less popular?? Maybe some of the veteran collectors could weigh in here ... is it ALWAYS like this and then it picks up in the summer??

I for one, am bargain hunting (there goes the budget), but also looking to possibly unload a few odds and ends .... :smile: