Any Diane von Furstenberg Fans?

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If anyone wants to look like the gorgeous Duke!!!
Love this print!!!:smile:

Here's another gorgeous print. I love this seller too.

Here's a great deal on a Julian. In size 10!!!

This is a darling leopard wrap. Great deal!!!:smile:

Great deal on a Jeanne Wrap for $39.99!!!

It is just a pet peeve of mine. Even when the item is a good price it just really bothers me.

I feel the same way Meg. $17.00 for shipping is awful!!!

Great deal on a Kye wrap!!! Only $24.00!!!

Great deal for anyone that wears size 6.:smile:
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Duke or mods, how do you block people on here? TIA

I will keep posting great deals for everyone on this forum and just block the crazies!!!:cray::cray:

It's funny someone must of notified that reseller and she's joined under disguise.

thank you for posting all these great finds, mellva! i'll keep my eyes peeled for this one!

This is really pretty. I won't bid on it though. I have a thing about sellers that way overcharge for shipping. Almost 18.00 to ship 1 dress:tdown:

i hear you meg. sadly to canada, 18$ on an ebay auction is pretty reasonable.
it irks me to no end to see the 30 to 50$ charges for shipping to canada. :tdown:
thank you for posting all these great finds, mellva! i'll keep my eyes peeled for this one!

i hear you meg. sadly to canada, 18$ on an ebay auction is pretty reasonable.
it irks me to no end to see the 30 to 50$ charges for shipping to canada. :tdown:

Phiphi you would look gorgeous in this blue and white kye wrap. I hope you win!!! :smile:
thank you for posting all these great finds, mellva! i'll keep my eyes peeled for this one!

i hear you meg. sadly to canada, 18$ on an ebay auction is pretty reasonable.
it irks me to no end to see the 30 to 50$ charges for shipping to canada. :tdown:
I know it is expensive to Canada, but this auction was from Chicago to LA. I would hate to see what she would charge to send to Canada. I have been on ebay a long time and remember when it was a lot worse. Sellers would sell an item for 5.00 which is what it was worth and then in the small print you would find that you were paying 25.00 for shipping. Since then I just have a real aversion to sellers that try and profit from shipping. I have no problem paying more than it cost, time, materials, gas etc all should factor in to shipping but there is just a point that it get a little ridiculous.
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