I have a confession… I really really like the concord leather. I purchased a concord Dopp kit asp a gift . I like it better than theflorentine Dopp kit, also purchased as a gift. I’m no sureif I gave it awaor if it is still in The house. I will keep the chestnut Florentine snd give the concord to my son. So nice and roomy. I love that they stand up and stay open.i do have the cabriolet’s Dopp kit but i wanted a leather one for my combs brushes and hairstyling needs. I’m so stinking greedy. I liked the chestnut Florentine so much,I love the cabriolet but I’m using it for all my meds . Hubby puts my toothbrush in it in and I’m worried the inside is ruined from toothpaste residue. I refuse to look because I will be upset. I’ll havehim look in the closet for theflorntinedpp kit. I hop butI could have sworn i gave it to my dad for Father’s Day. My mom did no I didn’t. Hubby says that I didn’t. So I’m goin crazy then.i remember thst dad came over the day before fathers day an iremember giving it to him…. So if it’s noit the house i will probably orderthepebbledwiththepink interior. All the others i mentioned have red interior. I hope THRe mystery Is solved Before they disappear off site…sorry stroke can't help herself….
Whole point was I really like the concord leather….ill have to experiment with my card case and scratches.meds got me dozing off…
I have a few Concord leather items. At the time, these were in the 'men's collection',
but i wanted the items. I have the dopp kit and the credit card case. The credit card case
doesn't get much use, so I can't report on the wear and tear. The saddle dopp kit holds
my meds and sits on a table in my hallway... not near any liquids. Once a week I put it
on the kitchen table and take a weeks' worth of meds out. Then the dopp kit returns to it's
place of honor where I can see it every time I walk down the hallway to my bedroom.
I haven't noticed any scratches on the Concord leather.
Good leather items are a small pleasure, at least to me. I'm happy to have them
and there are fewer downsides than many other temptations in life. A leather handbag,
or dopp kit, or other accessory is legal, not dangerous to your health (unless you carry too
much stuff and it's too heavy), and has no calories. And, if properly placed out of the way,
it won't interfere with your driving. 🤣🤣🤣 Whether or not they are addictive is a question for another time.