An orange box arrived... been just a little bad.....

yay!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, it looks totally amazing on you --:yahoo:

i invited myself over to ninja sue's to get good and buzzed after a rough week and just got home, but what a nice bunch of pics to find just before hitting the hay. yip-yip-yippee!!

ETA, the twilly thing was sheer brilliance. . . .


O you'r having such a rough time :sad:.. i'm happy to hear you had a good time with NS.. Oh I wished I had a tpf-er living closeby (though that would be really dangerous too).

I'm so grateful:smile: absolutely such a unique bag, and now i'm all bareniafeverished too :nuts:. Thanks so much for everything, and the perfume... oh now I want that too....
japster: thank you... it's all your fault well not only you... the barenia thongs and such... just keeps sticking in my mind :smile: I don't even know how to explain DH...
thank you HLfinn & Mizzle
and you should know, if you ever feel a a little urge for a clutch you can borrow her.... I'm happy to come over... :smile:
Hi, newbie to H here, don't know much abt clutches but that looks amazing. And I really like the twilly add-on, brilliant! You wear it so well.
Hi, newbie to H here, don't know much abt clutches but that looks amazing. And I really like the twilly add-on, brilliant! You wear it so well.

thank you miss piggy :smile:

oh the night has new clutch, the margarita, mojito , chocolates... made me a little dizzy... and :sleepy:
Eeej now... at least I would expect Wong... to do the barenia dance, you know just a little ... or well maybe I just have rosy dreams..
Congratulations!! It's beautiful, simple and elegant and I :heart: the motif.
It's a good thing it's usually night here in Europe when you start these revealing threads, spares me a lot of unnecessary heart skips;)

I am so late to the party!!!!! Where have I been all day???? (dont ask!!)

H&H, CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is so perfectly pretty on you, and I just love that little bag so much, I am so glad it went to a PFer and such a brilliant one---to give her a whole new lease on life as a handbag with a twilly companion!!!

You are just going to love love love that little treasure, congratulations to you.

Kloostie!! Congratulations!!!

I love that bag so much. I whimpered and whimpered over it. I'm so glad it's gone to a good, appreciative home.