*******a royal reveal*********

Thanks guys!

Singsong - I know what you mean. Well...if you have a good relationship with a SA, sometimes they'll hold things for you for a while. It's hard with these particular shoes because I'm not sure that department stores are getting these. They might be a boutique exclusive, which would definitely limit the amount of inventory. But again...I'm not sure :shrugs:
Thank you everyone!

As far as the color goes...it depends on the lighting. If the light is dim...it just looks blue. But when there's bright light it's royal blue, and when actually outside...the color really pops. I think it's similar to the jade ws in terms of color variation with lighting.

Hazeltt - It's weird because there is no heel gap when I have them on, but in the pic it does look that way. I definitely couldn't go down anymore or else the toe box would kill.

That's good to hear! I'm glad you're enjoying them!