2019 resolution - shopping my own bag and wallet collection. Any one else?

• How many bags do you have? (Ball park is fine if you don’t have an exact number.)
• Do you feel your collection is small, medium, large, huge, other?
• Are you happy about the size of your collection? If not, into what number do you want to grow / downsize?
• If you had no limitations (money, space, social pressure, etc.) what would be the idea number of bags in your collection?
  • Oh gosh, it's embarrassing to say, but 40-50 :facepalm: To be fair, that includes bags like printed canvas totes I got from museum gift shops.
  • I do feel like my collection is large. My closet is almost out of space :eek:
  • I am happy with my collection. Every bag is there out of my genuine love to use, or for nostalgic love reasons. The only ones I'd like to sell are my Henri Bendel Jetsetters, but with HB closing I'm not sure that I should…I might sell them and buy a leather HB bag instead though.
  • If I had no limitations, I would collect bags endlessly. I love them and I'm a crazy bag lady :nuts:
Okay. I'm going to ask opinions here. I welcome all opinions, positive and negative, to help me decide whether or not to buy…what do you think about this rolling bag?

Back story: I've used totes and backpacks for the last two years working, but recently I've just been having a ton of back pain. I sold my Knomo backpack because I just can't take the weight anymore. I've been using a boring/ugly spinner bag to work, but my back pain has been significantly improved. I'd like to get a fashionable spinning bag, but let me tell you, it's impossible to find four-wheel/spinner/360 degree rolling bags that are cute!! My co-workers tell me my current bag makes me look like a flight attendant; I’ll attach it below!

My friend sent me this and I kinda like it, but do you think it would be tacky to use??


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• How many bags do you have? (Ball park is fine if you don’t have an exact number.)
• Do you feel your collection is small, medium, large, huge, other?
• Are you happy about the size of your collection? If not, into what number do you want to grow / downsize?
• If you had no limitations (money, space, social pressure, etc.) what would be the idea number of bags in your collection?

  • I probably have like in the ball park of 30 bags--eek! I didn't even notice this! Since when?!!
  • I thought my collection was small, but after counting it's definitely medium.
  • I could downsize, but I'm happy with the amount I do have. I'm not a seller, but my collection could do with some refining.
  • I would have Khloe Kardashian's and Kylie Jenner's handbag closets combined if space, money, social pressure was not an option. Sorta joking.
I wandered over to the bag showcase thread. And now I’m curious...

Some people feel that they must keep adding to their collections even though they have 100 bags. Others will call their collection “modest”, but will have 30+ bags. I’ve also seen people feel overwhelmed with more than 5 bags.

How people feel about their number of bags is very different person to person. So, my questions for the day are:

• How many bags do you have? (Ball park is fine if you don’t have an exact number.)
• Do you feel your collection is small, medium, large, huge, other?
• Are you happy about the size of your collection? If not, into what number do you want to grow / downsize?
• If you had no limitations (money, space, social pressure, etc.) what would be the idea number of bags in your collection?

My answers
• 25
• Medium
• Happy but, I want to add a bit more variety and close a couple more gaps. I think I’ll be settled with 30 - 35 bags.
• Without limitations, I’d probably have approx. 100 bags. But, I’d have to remember to be thoughtful so, I didn’t end up with bags that caught my fancy yet weren’t right for me. So, I’d still be a member of this thread. :lol:

(Note. I have only 3 SLG’s and am realizing I definitely want more. Perhaps a total of 6 or 7)
I would say about 50 and I think that is large. I am happy with my collection because I like variety and I rotate often to keep them looking crisp. If I had no limitations I would buy one or two more high end bags but only if I got rid of something else first. I worked hard to get things that work for me , rather then pretty bags that don't fit my lifestyle. It took this thread and a lot of soul searching to find where I am comfortable.
Okay. I'm going to ask opinions here. I welcome all opinions, positive and negative, to help me decide whether or not to buy…what do you think about this rolling bag?

Back story: I've used totes and backpacks for the last two years working, but recently I've just been having a ton of back pain. I sold my Knomo backpack because I just can't take the weight anymore. I've been using a boring/ugly spinner bag to work, but my back pain has been significantly improved. I'd like to get a fashionable spinning bag, but let me tell you, it's impossible to find four-wheel/spinner/360 degree rolling bags that are cute!! My co-workers tell me my current bag makes me look like a flight attendant; I’ll attach it below!

My friend sent me this and I kinda like it, but do you think it would be tacky to use??
The one on the right that your friend chose is pretty, but I think the one you chose will hold up better and be easier to use. If it were me I would get the one you picked and get a cute tiny crossbody for your wallet and phone, that can tuck in to the spinner.
Okay - there is definitely one in my future! Yay!! (I think… :giggle:)
Thank you for explaining the 'Fiddly', it's good to know that sort of thing! I'm okay with a bit of fuss (flaps are fussy too but I'm doing okay with the Gucci), it's just that I don't want to be that person standing at the counter doing up all the buttons and bows of my bag while everyone waits behind me.

Yes - your concerns are much the same as mine.
I don't live in a major market where I see any H. I know one person who does have several B's but it's not like I can say 'Hey, could i wear that around? Promise I'll be right back!'. And even if I drive to the closest H, the chances of them offering me a K (in the color and leather and size I'd like) is slim to none. I won't be able to try one on and see if it looks like me, fits my stuff, bothers me to open and close, or bonks into everything while I'm wearing it.
And then there's the price. View attachment 4290488
Which is why I absolutely know I will go the pre-loved route.
One day my K will come! :giggle:
Yes, it will! And we’ll be cheering you on! What color(s) do you want?

Trust me to pick a color (pink) that is still ridiculously expensive preloved. :huh: For example, this one is $21k on the resale market. Sheesh! 179027D4-C850-4636-ACF1-F62F59DDCBD6.png
My goal is to spend nothing unnecessary for 2019. No clothes, shoes or bags unless something needs replacing. After 3 years of no new handbags I bought 3 in 2018. Made big winter coat and boots purchases because I need to replace my old ones. Here’s hoping no real big purchases for 2019!
Welcome! You can do it and we’ll support you. We should probably do some clothing challenges since many of us are trying to limit our clothing, scarf, etc purchases.
I will take a pic when I’m back home Monday! It’s a givenchy pandora bag :smile:
That sounds super cute.
Okay, I have more bags than most people on this thread. I think my collection is large. I wish it was smaller but there are still holes I'd like to fill. It is hard to figure out what to get rid of.

I have 50 bags. Of those, 22 are my main, everyday bags. I think I'd be happy if this number was down to 15.

10 are small purses that can be used for special occasions but also are carried on normal days, but I don't reach for them often because of their size. I should reduce this part of my collection. However, none of them would sell for much so I'll probably just keep them.

18 are vintage. Many I use as everyday bags but not as often as my main bags. Some are very collectible and rare so they are only used sparingly. At one time I had over 50 vintage, then reduced it to 10. It has built up since then, but it is better curated.

I would like to add fuchsia and purple bags. I have bags in similar colors but not the exact colors I love. If I see any rare vintage at a good price, I'll add those to my collection if I can.

I have a few vintage collectible SLGs, that are never used as they are still in new condition.
I have only one regular wallet, 3 card cases, 2 coin purses, 1 wristlet. I have many scarves and purse charms.
I’d love to see your vintage bags. I hope you participate in our bag showcases and share your great bags with us.
I have a bag showcase thread that I called ‘small’, but maybe I should have said medium :lol:

- 34 superbrands and maybe a dozen contemporary bags
- medium
- happy; generally I’ll donate more if I get more at this stage
- not sure what I’d do without limitations, I’m generally happy :blush:
I saw yours and started to look. Then I said, let me save it til I’m at home and relaxing so I can really enjoy it. You’ll see me poking around in your thread over the weekend. :lol: I also saw that @ksuromax has one and I plan to jump into that at the same time. Anyone else have a thread I should find? I think I may do one myself in the new year. It’s a great way to have a diary of our bag journeys.
I wandered over to the bag showcase thread. And now I’m curious...

Some people feel that they must keep adding to their collections even though they have 100 bags. Others will call their collection “modest”, but will have 30+ bags. I’ve also seen people feel overwhelmed with more than 5 bags.

How people feel about their number of bags is very different person to person. So, my questions for the day are:

• How many bags do you have? (Ball park is fine if you don’t have an exact number.)
• Do you feel your collection is small, medium, large, huge, other?
• Are you happy about the size of your collection? If not, into what number do you want to grow / downsize?
• If you had no limitations (money, space, social pressure, etc.) what would be the idea number of bags in your collection?

• Either 60 or 62. I keep two different handbag lists, and my counts don't match, and I haven't yet figured out where I'm off. (It was 61 or 63, but I just got rid of one). I also have seven SLGs (two card cases and five wallets).
  • I like how @whateve gave the breakdown on categories, so according to my list of 60 bags, I have 29 everyday and day-to-night bags, 19 dressy/evening bags, six carefree bags and six "back burner" bags in patterns/colors I don't need often.
• Large, at the tipping point into huge.

• Yeeessss. I have room to downsize but no real motivation to do so. Last year, I went through a list of my bags and highlighted all the ones I could get by without. The remaining bags were a totally reasonable collection.
But a lot of the downsizing would have meant getting rid of my more interesting bags, making for a more boring collection overall. I wasn't/am not ready for that!

• I know we're pretending space isn't an option, but at a certain number, I'd lose track of what I had and where I put things, and I would never want to get to the point that I'd need some sort of tracking system to find the stuff I own (that's distasteful on a few levels). I'd never want my collection so big that I didn't know what I had.

Okay, I have more bags than most people on this thread. I think my collection is large. I wish it was smaller but there are still holes I'd like to fill. It is hard to figure out what to get rid of.

@whateve, you said this so well. I struggle with this too. How can I need more bags when I already have so many??
• How many bags do you have? (Ball park is fine if you don’t have an exact number.)
• Do you feel your collection is small, medium, large, huge, other?
• Are you happy about the size of your collection? If not, into what number do you want to grow / downsize?
• If you had no limitations (money, space, social pressure, etc.) what would be the idea number of bags in your collection?
I've 20ish regular bags + 10ish SLGs/evening bags. If I reflect against average tPFer, I'd say I've a miniscule collection but huge if reflected against average non-fashionista. My goal is downsizing my collection to 10ish pieces but this would be more realistic goal by 2020 than 2019. I don't believe I can let 10ish bags go in a year since there is nothing wrong with them. All of them are well made, high quality in neutral colours and work well with my existing wardrobe. Only issue is that I've multiple pieces in similar colour, size and style. If I had no limitations, I'd own two or three bags only but each of them is both custom made and designed by my favourite designer like Christopher Bailey. Once I've no limitation, I can buy any of those mass-market bags in an eyeblink if I wish so there's no point of owing more than I use. No even the weakest trace of FOMO.

To be honest, if I had no limitations, I'd hire a Michelin 3-star chef to prepare our dinner every evening. :yes:

My untamed issue my shoe and clothes collection. I literally own over 300 pair of shoes but major part of them was purchased pre-KonMari era when everything I list will sell within a couple of days if the price is correct so I didn't put much thought on my purchases back then. Now nobody would take even if given free.

Where in northern Europe are you from? I am from Copenhagen
You're so lucky to live in Copenhagen! You've a Hermes store and handsome Prince Frederik. There's so many great designers from Denmark. :biggrin: I have a couple of beuatiful prom outfit by Sand Copenhagen and my all-time-favourite silk blend knit by Bruuns Bazaar is a Danish brand as well. I live in Finland so we got Santa Claus village instead.

- For staying power, Tom Ford Cafe Rose lasts on me for hours.

- In sheer flower power, I like Chanel Gabrielle. I went to its launch in London last year and I do like its all flower heart, although it has NO lasting power. That isn’t a problem for me though, as I spritz fragrance all day.

- With a bit deeper / huskier floral tones, I like YSL cinema.

- Another flower power (I particularly like white flowers) is Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia. That’s one of Selfridges’ top picks for the perfumes they sold in the whole of 2018. I find it can be almost too strong for me at times, but if I’m feeling quite feminine, I do use it.

- one of my signatures is Chanel Coco Mam’zelle. It settles a bit deeper on my skin than most people, and I get asked what I’m wearing all the time. I met Lisa Eldridge once (love her!!) and she said “You smell gorgeous!” I replied “thanks” (mentally jumping like a five-year old at a compliment from Lisa Eldridge!) Then a minute later she said “What are you wearing?”. So I guess she did actually want to know and wasn’t just being nice

@ipsum your knowledge of skincare is impressive! Now I know who to ask for recommendations!

And also, I didn’t know the old check from Burberry was called Nova. I have two giant check scarves, but I’m pleased to see that the “classic vintage check” is also for sale again as a current range - I have a couple from a decade ago which I haven’t worn in ages because the check is out of fashion, but they’re lovely neutral colours (stone white and military red, so I’d like to bring them out of retirement!)

** Ps. Picture of my Cinderella blue shoes and bag attached as eye candy
Omg, you met Lisa Eldridge!! If I were as lucky I'd bombard her with question flood :biggrin:

Thanks, @Miss_Dawn! I'll check your recommendations out when I next time stop at a posher department store (like Harrods alike). My local one doesn't carry Tom Ford or more exclusive brands. I love your story about Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia. What a great husband who asks fragrance recommendations in every chance he has! I've sniffed Coco Mam’zelle and it's quite hypnotizing. Your hubby chose you perfect gifts.

I've "donated" a fair share of my salary to beauty industry "promises" and I've become wiser now.

Burberry might have re-branded Nova check to "classic vintage check" because they did have Haymarket check (looks like Nova with Equestrian Knight on it) which was considered to be a vintage check but I'ven't seen it for a while. Maybe they have phased it out.

I’m crazy sometimes. I’ll scrutinize over something, but will just grab some other thing without thinking twice. I always like Burberry though. Since I was a teenager, having a scarf in a nova check in the original beige color is one on the top of my list. But... this color looks horrible on me. It doesn’t bring out the best color on my skin and that’s so against my rule of buying clothes. Lucky me I love blue and Burberry makes this check in dark navy blue and green which always makes me think of Scotland so that’s another favorite color way. And it looks good on me, too. This one, I got to try on already and it’s so pretty, but I don’t like the price back then so getting it at a 50% discount with tax free is a deal for me. I can’t wait for it to arrive, too. I can’t wait for my friend to come back from her trip! [emoji38]
You're not crazy. You listened your heart. Every item is worth it if it get used (unless it's some sort of collector item like Star Wars lego in original packaging with plastic on it).

My friend sent me this and I kinda like it, but do you think it would be tacky to use??
Sorry to hear about your back pain. I'd say get the one with excellent wheel and great balanced structure. Comfort over fashion. It'd be annoying if it get tilted easily on the uneven surface.
I wandered over to the bag showcase thread. And now I’m curious...

Some people feel that they must keep adding to their collections even though they have 100 bags. Others will call their collection “modest”, but will have 30+ bags. I’ve also seen people feel overwhelmed with more than 5 bags.

On another note, it makes me a little sad when people call their collections modest. I might be misinterpreting, but in a lot of cases, it seems to be either that they think the brands aren’t good enough or that they think most people have 100+ bags. I don’t at ALL mean to be judgey, but there’s normal and then there’s TPF normal, and I wish all of us handbag lovers could just be proud of our collections at all different sizes and all different price points.

I’ve thought on and off about getting a Kelly. If it were a $3000 bag, I’d already own one (pink would be my choice). It wouldn’t be my favorite bag but, I think I’d love to wear it.

But, the steep price keeps me away. I’m having a hard time justifying spending twice what my most expensive bag cost for a bag that isn’t an HG and / or wouldn’t be my favorite.

I also struggle because I don’t get to see them in person. I can’t go to the store and try them on. I’ve thought about buying one from Fashionphile since I can return it for a look see but, it doesn’t feel right to do so. I know it technically wouldn’t be but, it feels kind of fraudulent.

So, I’m kinda stuck in “really like the bag but have major hurdles to get over” land.

Anyone else have these issues (or other hurdles) with a bag they really think they could enjoy owning?


Edit: I just checked. The pink Kelly’s that I see and love are offered resale for $15-20k...or more.
That would make them at least 3-4 times more expensive than my most expensive bag. I don’t think I can do it. I’m eyeballing an upgraded tennis bracelet that costs about $20k and would prefer the diamonds to the bag.
Gosh, I need a Purse Fairy to drop this bag into my life. LOL!

I'm with you on all.of.this. I would love to own a Kelly or maybe even a Birkin, but the price points are over my mental ceiling, and I find all the leather and color options a little overwhelming.
It's kind of silly, because I have certainly dropped some cash on my collection, and I have enough bags at this point that it would make perfect sense to take my yearly bag budget and spend it on one or two bags v. many, but here we are.

Ideally I'd like to go visit a high-end reseller and take a look at their options to see whether it's love in person.
Okay. I'm going to ask opinions here. I welcome all opinions, positive and negative, to help me decide whether or not to buy…what do you think about this rolling bag?

Back story: I've used totes and backpacks for the last two years working, but recently I've just been having a ton of back pain. I sold my Knomo backpack because I just can't take the weight anymore. I've been using a boring/ugly spinner bag to work, but my back pain has been significantly improved. I'd like to get a fashionable spinning bag, but let me tell you, it's impossible to find four-wheel/spinner/360 degree rolling bags that are cute!! My co-workers tell me my current bag makes me look like a flight attendant; I’ll attach it below!

My friend sent me this and I kinda like it, but do you think it would be tacky to use??
I like your current bag more. It’s structured and small.
How about something small and colourful from Kipling if you want cute?
The one your friend sent does seem less appealing to me because there’s a lot going on - quilting, chain, and in an unstructured fabric. Sorry! :flowers:

There are a few wheelie options from Kipling, e.g.




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- I have 23 bags, not counting Longchamp nylon and a couple of vintage bags I no longer use but won’t part with for sentimental reasons.

- Medium.

- I’m OK with the size of my collection, but do have moments where I realize if I had to do it all over again, or start from scratch, I’d make different choices. Sometimes I wish the number was a little lower (like 15-20) but I also want to add a couple of new everyday-type bags, just for the sake of variety and having something new! :P

If I had no limitations, I still think I wouldn’t really want more than 30-35 bags. I don’t want so many that I start forgetting what I’ve got!
I’ve had to start over a couple of times since I started my massive redo 6 years ago. It was painful each time but the best option in the long runn

At one point (and some of the girls here may remember), I made a list of my perfect bag collection. It was disheartening because I was pretty far off. But, it gave me a good roadmap for going forward. I just had to bite the bullet and sell what wasn’t working and buy others.

I don’t think your situation is bad like mine was as you have some amazing bags that work well for you. But I wanted to share as encouragement.
  • Oh gosh, it's embarrassing to say, but 40-50 :facepalm: To be fair, that includes bags like printed canvas totes I got from museum gift shops.
  • I do feel like my collection is large. My closet is almost out of space :eek:
  • I am happy with my collection. Every bag is there out of my genuine love to use, or for nostalgic love reasons. The only ones I'd like to sell are my Henri Bendel Jetsetters, but with HB closing I'm not sure that I should…I might sell them and buy a leather HB bag instead though.
  • If I had no limitations, I would collect bags endlessly. I love them and I'm a crazy bag lady :nuts:
I don’t think you should be any more embarrassed by your 40-50 bags than someone who “only” has 2 bags. We have what works for us and no number is right for everyone.
I found it online, this is it. Varies from beige to pink to rose gold depending on lighting
This is so cute! I don’t like Pandoraa because they’re slouchy but this is the business! :eek: I would love to own it. It’s going on my list!
Yes, it will! And we’ll be cheering you on! What color(s) do you want?

Trust me to pick a color (pink) that is still ridiculously expensive preloved. :huh: For example, this one is $21k on the resale market. Sheesh! View attachment 4290555
Welcome! You can do it and we’ll support you. We should probably do some clothing challenges since many of us are trying to limit our clothing, scarf, etc purchases.
That sounds super cute.
I’d love to see your vintage bags. I hope you participate in our bag showcases and share your great bags with us.
I saw yours and started to look. Then I said, let me save it til I’m at home and relaxing so I can really enjoy it. You’ll see me poking around in your thread over the weekend. :lol: I also saw that @ksuromax has one and I plan to jump into that at the same time. Anyone else have a thread I should find? I think I may do one myself in the new year. It’s a great way to have a diary of our bag journeys.
mine needs updating, quite a few left the closet, and some joined...
thanks for reminding, will do it soon :biggrin:
  • Like
Reactions: whateve
On another note, it makes me a little sad when people call their collections modest. I might be misinterpreting, but in a lot of cases, it seems to be either that they think the brands aren’t good enough or that they think most people have 100+ bags. I don’t at ALL mean to be judgey, but there’s normal and then there’s TPF normal, and I wish all of us handbag lovers could just be proud of our collections at all different sizes and all different price points.

I'm with you on all.of.this. I would love to own a Kelly or maybe even a Birkin, but the price points are over my mental ceiling, and I find all the leather and color options a little overwhelming.
It's kind of silly, because I have certainly dropped some cash on my collection, and I have enough bags at this point that it would make perfect sense to take my yearly bag budget and spend it on one or two bags v. many, but here we are.

Ideally I'd like to go visit a high-end reseller and take a look at their options to see whether it's love in person.
I agree. When I hear someone say their collection is modest or humble I always think it’s the tPF funhouse mirror effect where we think having 20, 30, 100 bags is normal. It’s not. Most people have at most two handbags. So any “collection” is a wonderful blessing / turn of luck / benefit of hard work and should be celebrated.

I also agree on the Hermes choices being overwhelming and a barrier. I know I’d want a pink Kelly. Size I can figure out. But leather, shade, hardware? Yikes. It’s not just about looks either. Each one wears differently. I can’t figure it out so I just leave it alone for now.
Okay. I'm going to ask opinions here. I welcome all opinions, positive and negative, to help me decide whether or not to buy…what do you think about this rolling bag?

Back story: I've used totes and backpacks for the last two years working, but recently I've just been having a ton of back pain. I sold my Knomo backpack because I just can't take the weight anymore. I've been using a boring/ugly spinner bag to work, but my back pain has been significantly improved. I'd like to get a fashionable spinning bag, but let me tell you, it's impossible to find four-wheel/spinner/360 degree rolling bags that are cute!! My co-workers tell me my current bag makes me look like a flight attendant; I’ll attach it below!

My friend sent me this and I kinda like it, but do you think it would be tacky to use??

I like your current bag more. It’s structured and small.
How about something small and colourful from Kipling if you want cute?
The one your friend sent does seem less appealing to me because there’s a lot going on - quilting, chain, and in an unstructured fabric. Sorry! :flowers:

There are a few wheelie options from Kipling, e.g.



I'm with @Miss_Dawn here: I like your current bag best and find the other options a little much.