Anyone use Chanel parfumes?

I used to wear Allure, but now I'm always in Eau de Camille by Annick Goutal. I used to wear Hermes 24 Fauborg for nights, but now I find it's too heavy. I got Calvin Klein Eternity Moment for a gift, and that was the one scent everyone kept asking about!
do you like them?

Which one{s}?

I don't, I have tried a few but after I wear them for a bit they don't seem like 'me' really.

I wear Bvlgari and Quel Ques Fleurs.

quel ques fleurs is my favorite. have you tried the royale version? it's one step up from the reg. fleurs. it's insanely beautiful and rich. very heady, you can wear a little bit at a time... especially since it's around the $200 mark!!

but on the "lower" end, i love chanel #5 b/c it's so classy. love bvlgari too.