? cost of LE pomme cles

in vancouver, the official release date of them is feb 1st in the states, but places like canada, the release date was jan 11. for those who have gotten it is is 275. the hearts are 375.
can someone tell me which store to call to order one for 275? any leads would be greatly appreciated. thanks!!

Louis Vuitton boutique in Bloomingdales San Francisco, 4158565432. ask for terny or gia (pronounced ji-ah) and ask them for the cles that jenny purchases in violette. they had violette and pomme as of yesterday, jan.20th
can someone tell me which store to call to order one for 275? any leads would be greatly appreciated. thanks!!

Call 866-VUITTON and they will locate one for you. I did this yesterday. The person on the phone was initially a little confused and thought I was asking for the heart and was telling me they weren't available yet, but I explained I wanted the new vernis key holder, called the "pochette cles," and they connected me to a store that had one to order it.

The price is $275, but going up to $285. The store they connected me to charged me the new, higher price. I was a little confused and didn't say anything, but then saw here that it should still be $275. I'm trying to decide if it's worth going through the hassle of calling them back to argue about it.