What's the name of your pets..???

We have three rescue beagles - featured in my avatar from left to right:

Popcorn, female, 2 1/2 years
Moose, male, 7 years
Booker, female, 10 1/2 years

I can't imagine life without beagles in it to make me laugh every day!

See my post above, I have a beagle mix. I had to tell you how adorable yours are! I love your pic with their little noses looking for something it appears. They just have the cutest personality, don't they?I think Beagles are just precious, I am in love with them.
I love all dogs though, my:s whole family is what I call dog stupid, we would do anything for them. My dad had a bar during the 70's disco named after our dog Harvey. Everyone thought that was my dad's name, too funny!
Shih Tzu, George
American Bulldog, Bully
German Pointer, Tasha

Too many fish to name except a giant Gourami, Alf
and a fly river turtle called denzel.
I have two boys...

Kyson- 5yr old, German Shepherd/Chow mix (between me & Kyson we can have a shedding contest, haha)

Moose- turns 3 Nov. 11, Chocolate Lab (a BIG baby, at times I think he thinks he's a chihuahua)
This is my ChloePie, she's 5 years old:

See my post above, I have a beagle mix. I had to tell you how adorable yours are! I love your pic with their little noses looking for something it appears. They just have the cutest personality, don't they?I think Beagles are just precious, I am in love with them.

Thanks - we think beagles are wonderful too (and keep adopting more of them!). In that picture my DH was holding a morsel of chinese food and they were hoping, HOPING to get some... and they probably did get a little bit (yes, I know human food is bad for them, but we find it very hard to resist those eyes....).