Which MJ bag do you use the most?

chestnut hudson; that seems to be my general response to all these who what when where questions ;) although my bordeaux blake should be arriving tomorrow, and i plan on using that bag all winter.
^ i get my bordeaux zip clutch tomorrow too. :smile:

for me, it depends on the week. last week, i was using my chestnut striping bowler non-stop. for the past few days, i've been carrying my grey mix quilted tote.
^ i get my bordeaux zip clutch tomorrow too. :smile:

for me, it depends on the week. last week, i was using my chestnut striping bowler non-stop. for the past few days, i've been carrying my grey mix quilted tote.

how cute would it be if our bodeaux accessories were shipped in the same delivery? yours is going to nyc and mine long island, but im sure they ran into each other. hah im so shot, only i'd think of things like that! :roflmfao: cant wait to see pictures! and im still waiting for modeling pictures of that grey mix quilted tote!!
I'd definitely have to say one of my MPs. They are the perfect size for all my stuff. It also fits comfortably on my shoulder and go with everything!

In second place would be quilted Elise...and that's just cuz I LOVE it!! :smile:
LOL, yeah, I'm venetia crazy!! I have Cherry Blossom, Kelly Green, Maroon, Spearmint (I think), a tan one that has magenta suede lining (I think when it was authenticated thithi said it looked like Washed Rose to her, but IRL it looks a little light to be that? But I'm not sure!) and a gold quilted one on the way! Yes, I know . . . I have a problem!!! :upsidedown:
Okay so here's a pic of my obsession . . . hopefully I'll get the quilted one this week. :love:
