Fugus on Muse


Sep 26, 2007
I have a dark brown large Muse.
I havent used it for like 2 months and when I went to take a look at it last night, there was fugus on it! :confused1: I think it is due to the humidity here and because of it being un-used.

Anyone has any great ideas on killing and preventing fugus on handbags? TIA and much appreciated!
I think if you put those little packets that come in bottles of pills or sometimes in a new bag.. they are either little plastic thingies or little envelopes.. they dry out moisture. That should work. Not sure how you clean it up first though.. ;-(
there was like a layer of mould/fugus on certain parts of the bag. well, i assume they are fugus or mould. erm...are they the same? :crybaby:
the leather is still the same colour...its this layer of stuff on it...

how do you know that it's fungus? did it turn your leather green? i hope this doesn't happen to mine!
I wouldn't do anything to your bag until you contact Barbara at Loving My Bag. She, if anyone, will know what you should do. Don't ruin your lovely Muse!!!
Is it a green layer or a whitish powdery film? I know when I used to have Ralph Lauren bags trimmed with dark brown waxy leather, if you don't use it for a while it develops a whitish film. It's just from the wax, not mold or anything sinister. I hope it's the same for your Muse :crybaby:.
that happened to a Fendi of mine (dark blue leather) that I had to leave in the basement of my coop in my storage unit unfortunately my unit was located near a window, ny snow, rain etc-My Mom cleaned it for me-I'll try to touch base w/ her today & ask what she used-i remember her being grossed out but have faith between our suggestions & lovin bags you should be set:tup: