This image triggers a whole spectrum of emotion in me

So sad. To me, This picture shows the repercussion on people´s life. And the courage of this young couple who decides to go on with their common projects, but with such a sad face for what should be a happy event....
This photo expresses the horror of war through a different way, unfortunately we see so many horrible images of war in Iraq.....
I can´t believe someone just asked who the US is at war with......
It is such a sad picture - the inital one, on so many different levels, it made me think of the ones left behind.x
I always say thanks for posting if the topic helped me in some way and for the first time I really did not want to see this post its too devastating, but in a strange way I think it is vital we all do.
That makes me angry on so many levels... first thing you'd expect from your country would be its full support after you sacrifices health and so many other things. Guess the administration doesn't give much of a s**t after all.

Sad, so very sad.

Totally's just all so sad. Kudos to that woman for sticking with him.
I am honored that he (and she) are willing to sacrifice to serve this country's military. Regardless of my views on this war. Words do not suffice to express my admiration, awe, and respect for them.


I saw this story on t.v. after he got home and how, thorugh all of this, they stayed together and in love, and now look! They got married! They are both so blessed to have each other and to have such a strong bond to get through everything! They were very close to not being able to have this day (obviously he was injured very badly) but he was able to come home to her!!

Respect. That is what they get from me. And a whole lot of admiration, you are right girl!!

I won't go into details, but what this family has had to endure is beyond comprehension. They have been treated like garbage by the Army and the Veteran's Administration. When my friend went to the ********** Congressman in her district for help, he would not return her calls. When she went to the ********, within days her husband's back pay was released. They had waited months for his pay and were on the verge of losing their house due to issues around his medical discharge and his pay being disbursed properly.

This photo reminds me of what my friends go through daily and what many, many others do as well.

You much as I dispise the fact that we went into Iraq, on one hand, I understand that these guys signed up for it, so I understand that this is part of it. I can't begin to imagine how much hurt their families and loved ones might be feeling. Then you hear about what Roo posted and realize that this isn't the first time you've heard about it. And then you start to get so livid cause the American people stood behind a president who scolded war dissenters as anti American and lacking support for our troops, when in reality, our government is the one that's not supporting our troops. Our government is using our men and women as pawns for their selfish, maniacal reasons, then discarding them like the previous day's paper. It's sickening..and what's even more sickening is that people still support an administration that condones such treatment of our troops. It's sad. Sad for everyone.

All the death and pain...for what?