How to go from 50+ to looking 20+ with plastic surgery rejuvenation.

Today I had my breast scan and it only showed scar tissue and a benign axillary lymph node and no oil cysts, no fat necrosis and no cancer. Yay! I have the all clear. No more hrt for me. The radiologist was looking into laser axillary hair removal. I told her no way! And shared my laser experience. Bearing in mind the ageing risk factor for breast cancer is 1 in 50 at age 50, I only have a 2% risk of breast cancer off hrt now. It was funny how she and the chaperone couldn't believe I was 56. Instead of share a long list of procedures, I just said it was my Korean genes. lol. They believed it. ;)
You are so funny @MissOrange .
I am packing my back to join you… without homework and stressful exam though!
Hi @Cosmetica2022, those were the days. Stress, homework, exams, grades, peer pressure, having no money, and back in my day there was no internet or netflix! lol. With the £ so weak against the $ I shall only be able to afford university canteen food and Denny’s! lol.

For readers in their 20s and 30s, it is imperative you apply regular sunscreen to your face or just stay indoors and take daily vitamin D. By 50, your skin will reflect the cumulative sun damage from years spent outdoors in the sun and that may manifest as skin wrinkling as well as freckles and sun spots. I think having a clear complexion helps me look younger too. If you do have sun damage then look into chemical acid peels. I am anti lasers on the skin! I miss having TCA innovative chemical peels in my 40s as they were the best but they don’t make them anymore.
Hi @Cosmetica2022, those were the days. Stress, homework, exams, grades, peer pressure, having no money, and back in my day there was no internet or netflix! lol. With the £ so weak against the $ I shall only be able to afford university canteen food and Denny’s! lol.

For readers in their 20s and 30s, it is imperative you apply regular sunscreen to your face or just stay indoors and take daily vitamin D. By 50, your skin will reflect the cumulative sun damage from years spent outdoors in the sun and that may manifest as skin wrinkling as well as freckles and sun spots. I think having a clear complexion helps me look younger too. If you do have sun damage then look into chemical acid peels. I am anti lasers on the skin! I miss having TCA innovative chemical peels in my 40s as they were the best but they don’t make them anymore.
Hello Ms Orange!
This is my first time writing to you but I've been following your comments and threads for a while now. :biggrin: I am flying to SK next month to have my primary rhino done along with DES and under-eye fat removal. However, I've been having some fears lately and was hoping to be able to get some reassurance or guidance from you! You truly look beautiful & reading your threads has brought me some comfort to soothe my pre-op fears. However, here are some other things that I had on my mind that I could not find answers for so far.

First off, I'm really really worried about feeling "pain" or the procedure of my rhinoplasty. I read on many forums like realself and quora that rhinoplasties should be done under GA especially when hump shaving is necessary (doctor quoted that for me online). Whereas the doctors in SK offer mostly "twilight anaesthesia". I am so worried that the pain from the bone shaving would wake me up, as cited in this link . The person here says that twilight anaesthesia and local is not enough to numb the pain from bone shaving and this is the part that scares me the most...

Apart from this, do you have any advice on how to pick a surgeon or procedure to avoid revision rhinos? :sad: there's so much contradicting info around, brokers etc etc so it's rly difficult to sus out the truth from lies...

I hope it is alright to approach you like these for my worries! Looking forward to hear fromyou.
Hello Ms Orange!
This is my first time writing to you but I've been following your comments and threads for a while now. :biggrin: I am flying to SK next month to have my primary rhino done along with DES and under-eye fat removal. However, I've been having some fears lately and was hoping to be able to get some reassurance or guidance from you! You truly look beautiful & reading your threads has brought me some comfort to soothe my pre-op fears. However, here are some other things that I had on my mind that I could not find answers for so far.

First off, I'm really really worried about feeling "pain" or the procedure of my rhinoplasty. I read on many forums like realself and quora that rhinoplasties should be done under GA especially when hump shaving is necessary (doctor quoted that for me online). Whereas the doctors in SK offer mostly "twilight anaesthesia". I am so worried that the pain from the bone shaving would wake me up, as cited in this link . The person here says that twilight anaesthesia and local is not enough to numb the pain from bone shaving and this is the part that scares me the most...

Apart from this, do you have any advice on how to pick a surgeon or procedure to avoid revision rhinos? :sad: there's so much contradicting info around, brokers etc etc so it's rly difficult to sus out the truth from lies...

I hope it is alright to approach you like these for my worries! Looking forward to hear fromyou.
Hi @eimibilli,

Welcome to my thread! Thank you for reading my plastic surgery diary. You mention a key point about Korea and that is postop pain relief. They do not give anything stronger than tylenol as far as I am aware!!! This has stopped me from getting anything major done in Korea as I would need to bring stronger painkillers with me but opiates are not allowed into Korea! Bone shaving in a rhino is painful as you mentioned and I was given tramadol postop after my rhinoplasty in the UK and yes my operation in the UK was done under GA to protect my airway in case of excessive bleeding. The concern about getting a rhinoplasty in Korea is that twilight sedation is not as safe and we have heard about a death of a young male patient from rhinoplasty in Korea under twilight sedation who bled a lot from his rhino with blood pouring onto the operating room floor per cctv. In Korea rhinoplasty is often done in clinics and not hospitals so resuscitation equipment is limited.

As I have not had a rhinoplasty in Korea, I cannot recommend or comment on who to go to. But do NOT get rhino at April31 in Korea. I know 2 Americans and 1 British lady who were all botched at April31. One then got revision in USA, another went quiet and another sadly ended her life.
Today’s post is a recap. The ultimate 10 years younger+ makeover! It is one of my fav shows so no wonder I did my own! To think when I was an old 49 years of age and visiting Korea for the first time ever, I decided I needed to do research to turn back time on my face after seeing how Koreans looked super young and beautiful! This before and after truly reflects how much I have had done to my face in 7 years! Between 2016 and 2022, I have had…..drum roll….chin bone reduction (£3k), rib rhinoplasty (£7k), full face fat grafting x several times (£8k), 2 facelifts (£3.5k), revision upper lid bleph with lid fat graft (£3k), bullhorn lip lift (£2.5k), vermillion lip lift (£3k), dyed my hair and eyebrows ash blonde and tattooed my eyebrows (£300) for a total of approx £30,300 which is less than one facelift in Beverly Hills or NYC. And the funds came from my dad’s inheritance! The ultimate test will be when I meet my Korean Uncle as he last saw me looking like the face on the left at age 49 and on the 25th of this month, he will see me at age 56 looking like the face on the right! This thread has had over 420,000 views as I have given away my step by step guide for you all for free so that you too may turn back time on your face. If your face drops and becomes square with nasolabial folds and marionette lines, it may be time to get it lifted! You may be hiding a natural v line!

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Today’s post is a recap. The ultimate 10 years younger+ makeover! It is one of my fav shows so no wonder I did my own! To think when I was an old 49 years of age and visiting Korea for the first time ever, I decided I needed to do research to turn back time on my face after seeing how Koreans looked super young and beautiful! This before and after truly reflects how much I have had done to my face in 7 years! Between 2016 and 2022, I have had…..drum roll….chin bone reduction (£3k), rib rhinoplasty (£7k), full face fat grafting x several times (£8k), 2 facelifts (£3.5k), revision upper lid bleph with lid fat graft (£3k), bullhorn lip lift (£2.5k), vermillion lip lift (£3k), dyed my hair and eyebrows ash blonde and tattooed my eyebrows (£300) for a total of approx £30,300 which is less than one facelift in Beverly Hills or NYC. And the funds came from my dad’s inheritance! The ultimate test will be when I meet my Korean Uncle as he last saw me looking like the face on the left at age 49 and on the 25th of this month, he will see me at age 56 looking like the face on the right! This thread has had over 420,000 views as I have given away my step by step guide for you all for free so that you too may turn back time on your face. If your face drops and becomes square with nasolabial folds and marionette lines, it may be time to get it lifted! You may be hiding a natural v line!

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When are you flying to Korea again?
Any procedures in mind when you are in Korea?
When are you flying to Korea again?
Any procedures in mind when you are in Korea?
Hi @Fortunecat, the last time I was in Korea was Jan 2020 and I left Korea on the same day the first case of covid arrived to Incheon from China. I think I missed the passenger by a few hours. Would hate to think I then carried it to the UK!

Actually this reminds me. I need to take my covid premeds before I fly 11 hours to LA. Cannot break my record of never testing pos for Covid!

The next time I fly to Korea will be for my cousin's 60th which is a big thing in Korea. But as he is younger than I am I will turn 60 before him. At 60 I shall re-evaluate what I may need. At the moment my face is fine so I get a break from maintenance. It has been years since I had botox and fillers as fat grafts and a facelift with postop prednisolone has kept my face young and lifted. After all we pay for a surgical facelift so as not to keep paying for a non surgical facelift with botox and fillers.
Asian people have this naturally lifted eyebrows, which is lovely.
@MissOrange you started with good skin structure, the V line of the chin is amazing now and you turned back time.
I have a question, do fat transfer on the lips worth it or is better to use fillers? I have trouble finding anyone in my area doing a lip fat transfer, they simply prefer fillers and say fat transfer on lips doesn't last. And I don't know anyone doing fat filler on lips, is just not that popular procedure here.
Asian people have this naturally lifted eyebrows, which is lovely.
@MissOrange you started with good skin structure, the V line of the chin is amazing now and you turned back time.
I have a question, do fat transfer on the lips worth it or is better to use fillers? I have trouble finding anyone in my area doing a lip fat transfer, they simply prefer fillers and say fat transfer on lips doesn't last. And I don't know anyone doing fat filler on lips, is just not that popular procedure here.
Hi @SearchingVline, as we move the lips a lot, fat transfer will not last. Fillers in the lip only last 6-8 weeks. You can try applying carmex lip balm daily which helps plump lips and for a permanent solution explore bullhorn lip lift with lip eversion which has given me full lips for 5 years and counting.
Hi, lip lift not working for me, my upper lip is already naturally too lifted and mouth is barely closing, and that's actually the main problem + I want more volume in the upper lip. I tried lip repositioning (is a surgery that reposition tissue from inside the mouth) but no success. I'm kind of limited with permanent options, you are right, fat transfer on lips won't last, otherwise would be a popular procedure in the beauty industry.
I thought I would start a new thread as I seem to have hijacked smitten kitten's thread on MVP to share my journey. I summarised my plastic surgery journey on Here is a short summary of my tips.

1. As you age, the nose tip droops. Bear this in mind when you get your primary rhinoplasty as it may not be your last. My tip drooped after 16 years and needed revision. In SK they prefer ultra soft silicone for the nose as it is easier to fit. Take care as some people react to foreign material more than others and you may need to remove or exchange on average every 10 years as with most body artificial implants. Ear or rib cartilage is autologous and less likely to cause a reaction. Get several quotes on kakao from various clinics. One clinic JW may start at 13 million for rib rhino revision but then drops to 11 million if they know you are active on social media but then may drop even further to 8 million after a consultation with the plastic surgeon and may even drop to 7.4 if you look like you are going elsewhere as shared by another KK friend. This is something foreigners are not used to...negotiating. Or clinics like GNG or MVP will start with a fair price like 4.5 million at GNG for rhino or 3 million special at MVP. MVP is noted for trying to give foreigners as close to local prices as they can. There are 2 types of noses...long nose and Barbie nose. Make sure you bring an A4 of a favourite actress or model or use the facetouchup app to see which suits your face. Bear in mind the nose and ears continue to grow with aging!

2. In your 40s, you start to lose fat from your face which then makes your face look bony. The most resistant fat is in your cheeks which then makes your face look unbalanced, ie chipmunk cheeks on a bony skeleton face. The answer is not cheek liposuction or buccal fat removal but full face fat graft to rejuvenate and replace all the facial fat lost with ageing. Be patient as fat grafting may need 3 attempts to stay and be prepared to gain a few lbs to help the fat graft thrive.

3. Eyelid sulcus hollows with ageing. Again fat grafting to the lids rejuvenates. You can combine this with an incision des or blepharoplasty. Again bear in mind that skin sags so actually a bigger crease buys you more time before it sags. Your first des is never your last when battling gravity.

4. Philtrum sags with ageing. You may have seen smiles with no upper teeth show. This is because the philtrum has sagged from 11 mms to 20 mms and basically covers your upper teeth show even at rest. Try a bullhorn lip lift and do not ask the plastic surgeon to cut into the nasal sill or it may distort the nostrils. The only downside is a scar but if you wear makeup, you can hide as it takes a year for the scar to be invisible.

5. SMAS facelift. I have seen this in girls as young as 30. As it is costly and with ageing all skin sags, I would suggest trying to put this off as long as possible by using other anti ageing procedures. Bear in mind any bone surgery may accelerate skin sagging and you may end up requiring an earlier SMAS facelift.

Hope this helps ladies especially from 40+. I turn 51 shortly and my next milestone hurdle will be conquering ageing at 60!
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