Scarves Scarf of the Day 2021 - Which Hermès scarf are you wearing today?

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F et F du Texas, actual scarf of the day...lots of nests and cozy homes for creatures big and small.

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Les Haras Nationaux by Watrigant, certainly one of my absolute favorite Hermès artists. Gorgeous little maison there for our theme! This scarf defines for me the beginning of the talent that we know. Watrigant's father bred and trained racehorses. Watrigant spent his early years in stables sketching horses.
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Here is the actual Haras national du Pin, built between 1715 and 1730 as a royal stud farm under the reign of Louis XV. It is located in Normandy and nicknamed the "Equestrian Versailles." Amazing how close Watrigant depicted the actual Haras for his scarf design!
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I love
Les Haras Nationaux. Beautiful details.
And then because I just couldn't help myself...looking at my Christmas holiday scarves, found some cute houses! (jumping the gun on the Holiday!)

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Karenska, I blame you for making me think about L'Hiver so soon (haha!)---when you were talking about your Bull & Mouth scarf.
Such beautifully rendered little Bruegel-esque houses in the snowy village and countryside.
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And houses (and houses of worship) on De Passage à Moscou, with the best House at the bend in the frozen river!
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There is such momentum and energy in "Plaisirs du froid". I adore the ice skater in the green jacket right above the swan.
SOTD, off topic, is Tyger tyger. A good colour way for a non-animal print lover... Thank you, all twins and sisters who inspired this find! :hugs::heart:

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Love how you tied this!

Stretching to reach the theme with this. Ummmm, neon needs to be plugged in to brighten things up and my electric sockets at home were needed for this
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3 Graces
Good stretch of the theme! We love stretching the mind here!
Thank you, Agrume!

Très chic on you,
Thank you kindly, Croisette!

Tree houses are always fun - especially this one!
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Oh yes, how cute!!

Oh my - so chic!
Though I think you're on topic - The Tyger (especially *this* Tyger) has place in our hearts, and the home is where the heart is! :hugs:
Thank you so much, Cookie - and you are right!

@Agrume Alice Shirley is always a welcome sight! Beautiful selection
Thank you kindly, Snausages!

Stretching to reach the theme with this. Ummmm, neon needs to be plugged in to brighten things up and my electric sockets at home were needed for this
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3 Graces
Vitamin H on a grey day like this one...

F et F du Texas, actual scarf of the day...lots of nests and cozy homes for creatures big and small.

View attachment 5254550

Les Haras Nationaux by Watrigant, certainly one of my absolute favorite Hermès artists. Gorgeous little maison there for our theme! This scarf defines for me the beginning of the talent that we know. Watrigant's father bred and trained racehorses. Watrigant spent his early years in stables sketching horses.
View attachment 5254551

Here is the actual Haras national du Pin, built between 1715 and 1730 as a royal stud farm under the reign of Louis XV. It is located in Normandy and nicknamed the "Equestrian Versailles." Amazing how close Watrigant depicted the actual Haras for his scarf design!
View attachment 5254554
This Watrigant is exquisite!

And then because I just couldn't help myself...looking at my Christmas holiday scarves, found some cute houses! (jumping the gun on the Holiday!)

View attachment 5254585

Karenska, I blame you for making me think about L'Hiver so soon (haha!)---when you were talking about your Bull & Mouth scarf.
Such beautifully rendered little Bruegel-esque houses in the snowy village and countryside.
View attachment 5254586

And houses (and houses of worship) on De Passage à Moscou, with the best House at the bend in the frozen river!
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We are twins on the last one, and I adore the little houses, too.

Chacun Fait Son Nid~ I misplaced the tag for this one so unfortunately I don’t know the CW#. I had fallen out of love with this one for awhile but I think this one will be in the rotation more now!
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A very beautiful colour way! We saw so many Nids this week...

How beautiful! I haven't seen this CW and I love it. I always have my eye out for a noir/blanc style CW's.
Thank you so much, Barbette!

Congratulations @Agrume! And what a perfect coordination with your skirt.
Thank you so much, LKBNOLA!

Love how you tied this!
Thank you so much, Xincinsin!

Joining in with another Indian palace in Splendeur des Maharajas.
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And a cute tent made of H scarves from a print ad a few years ago.
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what a great ad, and thank you for sharing this one!

A home in space, with Galaxy. Befittingly secured with a Cosmos scarf ringView attachment 5254845
lovely colours, and perfect on pink, Snausages!
Closing out the theme week with a scarf that means a great deal to me. I never lived in the continental USA until I came to college and then moved to NYC for graduate school and work. I lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for over 40 years and for fully half of those took the subway down to the tip of Manhattan to my office in the Battery Park area. So here is my home=place scarf:
Tree houses are always fun - especially this one!
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A fun scarf!

Totally on topic - there's a Kachina singing on your rooftop! :giggle:
Plus this could never be off topic!

Gorgeous colorway - this scarf is such an example of H Magic!

Thank you! It's a beautiful color - so warm - but the b/w cw is stunning!

YAY!! :hugs:

Thank you sweetheart - I am so thrilled with it! :yahoo:

Another stunning CSGM Croisette - what a beauty!

oooo - thank you for showing all these details - I love it!

Thank you sweetheart!

Oh my - so chic!
Though I think you're on topic - The Tyger (especially *this* Tyger) has place in our hearts, and the home is where the heart is! :hugs:
Thank you, dear!

@LKBNOLA All so beautiful - that Quatre Chevaux has been on my wish list and it’s moving closer to the top

Beautiful brights @Croisette7

@SusieAugusta perfect red!

Good to see you @Foxy trini and your fabulous Duos!

@CanuckBagLover so beautiful!

TY @hotgalaxy

I love Rendezvous so much! Excellent choice @Redbirdhermes

Another wonderful Rendezvous @garçon_H

Excellent grail acquisition @Cookiefiend and I love me some JB

Cookie sleeps on her back all the time. I call it the ‘Dead Buggin’ pose

Well done @Barbette

@bunnycat yes - moussies one day cashmere the next and you wear them all divinely

I love these colors @Nahreen

@Awillow it’s lovely!

@Agrume Alice Shirley is always a welcome sight! Beautiful selection
Thank you, Snausages!

Stretching to reach the theme with this. Ummmm, neon needs to be plugged in to brighten things up and my electric sockets at home were needed for this
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3 Graces
Looks just perfect with your neon green sweater!
Oh my gosh yes Thank you. It is Pierre Marie. Sorry I have Honore on my mind haha. I bought two in this month!
He is so versatile-- everything from French pastries to Versailles scenes to Persian carpets! Which two Honores @Nomad? I remember your gorgeous Pytheas...
TY dear scarf-twin! I’ve got 3 cashmeres on the brain (12 Leopards, Faubourg Party [llamas!!!] and this) and will only allow myself one. :cursing: Decisions decisions.
And yes this is a new-to-me Alice Shirley! This came soooo close to being flung in the re-home pile… it is so dang bright and I thought I’d never find anything to wear it with. But where there’s a will :thinking: It’s got silver ink on the name and signature:upsidedown:
Well I have been nothing but profligate :girlshocked: in every size and format throughout the pandemic so I am no help at all in the restraint department! I am so glad you kept your neon giraffes with their sweet faces and silver lettering! Brighter is better sometimes @Snausages...
Joining in with another Indian palace in Splendeur des Maharajas.
View attachment 5254780
And a cute tent made of H scarves from a print ad a few years ago.
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Your mousseline is TDF @xincinsin and how charming is that tent photo with the husky under it? What an imagination to come up with that visual...
A home in space, with Galaxy. Befittingly secured with a Cosmos scarf ringView attachment 5254845
I wish I had been paying attention when this was still available! Just gorgeously styled @Snausages!
Exquisite play of color esp. with the bottom scarf!
Thank you, eagle!

I loved that novel @bruxelles70 and it was one of my bookclub's favorites also.

This is a wonderfully exuberant shawl @Croisette7! I love the pink on pink of the border and your top...

Congratulations @Agrume! And what a perfect coordination with your skirt.

That treehouse! Great find, Cookiefiend and Note to Self: Orange Hem +Grey Sweater=Great Look (H math of another kind)

It is really true @Cookiefiend -- and it also is just a scarf you can gaze at forever and get lost in... I love oneiric landscapes...

Well, I think you should just pounce on it-- we are already Bingata, Rendez-vous (and possibly Electrique gav?) twins this season so clearly the same H scarf goblin is whispering in our ears...

This is just so beautiful it would brighten any home. It looks fantastic on you @Snausages! :faint: Is this your newest Shirley?

This is such a beautiful shawl-- Congratulations on your new beauty and on your trip @renee_nyc!

All of these are delightful @bruxelles70 and it is so wonderful of you to post the source photo that Watrigant must have used. Plaisirs du Froid so charming and the De Passage a Mouscou in this cw is a wish list item for me-- so so beautiful...every time I see it all I can think of are those fabulous broody novels...

This is such a pretty cw! I hope you put it back in rotation @MissIn-- it looks great in this knot, too.

I adore this cw, @Nomad but isn't the artist Pierre Marie? And is this black or navy? Just beautiful and it must tie like a dream...
Many thanks, dear!

Closing out the theme week with a scarf that means a great deal to me. I never lived in the continental USA until I came to college and then moved to NYC for graduate school and work. I lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for over 40 years and for fully half of those took the subway down to the tip of Manhattan to my office in the Battery Park area. So here is my home=place scarf:
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Wonderful with your green top, LKBNOLA!
  • Thanks
Reactions: LKBNOLA
Closing out the theme week with a scarf that means a great deal to me. I never lived in the continental USA until I came to college and then moved to NYC for graduate school and work. I lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for over 40 years and for fully half of those took the subway down to the tip of Manhattan to my office in the Battery Park area. So here is my home=place scarf:
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I second Croisette - perfect colour choice for the top. Twins again!
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