What do you think? Feedback re RAOK & New Rules

Thanks Ren! So what kind of range do you all think?

Any suggestions on that?

I think that is too big of a range. The biggest problem I have seen in the past in a huge difference in the gifts...it's shouldn't be about the money...and I don't people are greedy...but it is hard to see one person getting $50 gift cards, and LV items, and others get a box of 3.00 candy. I think RAOKS need to have a minumum and maximums.
Tink & MJ: Very valid points...and one that I've been struggling with as think some people do get disappointed by taking a lot of time/energy/money into their gifts and not receiving something similar in time/energy/money.

But alas...I struggle with what a fair price range is...for some people $150 on a gift is OK...and for others there is no way!

I think I could go with a larger range...and be cautionary to everyone that there is a chance that you'll be receiving gifts on the low end of the minimum...even if you're sending the maximum!

So what kind of range is fair for the 2 month RAOK:
25 - 150?
I dont really agree with the whole min/max thing as its just too stringent.

Setting it too narrow will stifle the process whilst setting too wide will defeat the object of setting one in the first place.

RAOK should not be about the difference in gifts, it is about putting a little joy into someones elses day and just seeing how thoughtful some of the gifts are and not the price of them is great.

RAOK is not a competition and who knows how much each person can afford anyway, a min of $20 might be out of range for some people and especially once postage has been added.

Whilst I understand fully the thought process on this we are all different people with different incomes,it stands to reason that gifts will vary.
Twiggers, all the rules are great! I don't think any are too harsh and im sure everyone will agree that without the rules RAOK would not work!

Twiggers, about overseas buddies? Are we doing just in UK if we live in UK? Its just that i would rather spend money on the present rather than the postage. And postage within the same country is cheaper etc.?
Any views on this? xx
Hey Luva: I will again allow everyone to have the option of staying within their country, staying in Europe, or posting overseas, etc.! And of course, I'll do my best to meet everyone's wishes!

Lorna: Yea....I know about the money thing...I am really really struggling with that issue. Setting a minimum kind of ensures that everyone knows there is a chance they get a $20 present so that way they can't really get upset about it. OTOH it could exclude people who can't afford that much.
In my experience with 3 RAOKs here on tPF...I generally see each gift ranging from $25-75 with the occasional gift of $100+...sometimes even $200+. But the norm seems to be around that $25-75 range.
I do really hesitate on putting an upper limit...but then i think about Secret Santas that I have done...and we've always had a limit on those (whether it be work or family).....
I'm going to toss that around a little more....
I really really like these rules. It solves a lot of problems and makes expectations more clear. I think I will be revisiting this thread a lot in the upcoming month! =)
I am not an RAOK buddy, but the wife is.

Still, here is my thoughts on a way to deal with price min/max. It would require a little more work, but it might be worth while.

Have a few ranges of gift costs, and ask people to mark which range they will participate in. Then match them up with someone that is going to be buying gifts in the same range. That way people are getting something close to what they are giving. You would not really need to worry about someone that spends a fair amount of money on items getting a couple of dollars worth of trinkets.

I understand it is the thought that counts, but it would be a bit more fair if done this way IMHO.
Hi, yes I think those rules sound great and what a great idea !!. You have done an amazing job on the RAOK Naomi and I just want to say thanks for all the work you've put in. Ive really enjoyed it :smile:
hey twiggers- i think that there should absolutely be limits in roak and secret santa. fair is fair in the end. and the limits should be within 25.00 of each other.
ie: 50 - 75
150.00 -175.00

this narrows down any possible disappointments which hurt both ways...... all this imo.....

and i am so amazed with ALL the time and efforts u put into this pf! wow! wanna work for me? :smile:
heehee thanks suzie!!!! Those do seem like smaller margins...and might work out better

DH: Your idea is very intriguing....and I say this because I know some people would be limited by $25..whereas for others $50 is too much! It would still be the thought that counts...but this way no one is feeling slighted.

What do y'all think about his idea??
I also think these newer rules and ideas are great. I haven't participated in any RAOKs yet, but have lived through your guys' pictures of all your gifts!

I am hoping to participate this time, and I do like ADDICTED DH's idea about maybe having a few price ranges.

Another idea is maybe putting different price ranges for each month? For example: June $ 30-50, July $ 50-75, and August $100?

Or maybe put a minimum on how much someone should spend for the entire RAOK, that way participants can "budget" the way they want to spend on their person. For example, if the minimum is $200; I might want to spend $40 the first month, $60 the next month, and $100 or more the last month -- however they want as long as it adds up to a min. $200.

Whatever is decided, Twiggers you're doing a great job on RAOK!
^^^^Jazzie...that is a very good point...as maybe some people like to save the 'big' present for the last one!
I'm going to give this some thought!

Another issue is re-gifting....this came up....people are regifting items from other RAOKs....and it is hurting people's feelings because they can see that something they gave someone in a previous RAOK is being reused in this RAOK. I kind of think that it is a no-no. I mean...I'm all for re-gifting....but tactfully...I mean I wouldn't re-gift something from my Dad and give it to my brother...whatcha all think?
I also think these newer rules and ideas are great. I haven't participated in any RAOKs yet, but have lived through your guys' pictures of all your gifts!

I am hoping to participate this time, and I do like ADDICTED DH's idea about maybe having a few price ranges.

Another idea is maybe putting different price ranges for each month? For example: June $ 30-50, July $ 50-75, and August $100?

Or maybe put a minimum on how much someone should spend for the entire RAOK, that way participants can "budget" the way they want to spend on their person. For example, if the minimum is $200; I might want to spend $40 the first month, $60 the next month, and $100 or more the last month -- however they want as long as it adds up to a min. $200.

Whatever is decided, Twiggers you're doing a great job on RAOK!

I really like that idea. I think the rules sound great Twiggers!