The oh so versatile TWIST bag - 4 ways to wear yours....

Thank you for sharing, that was great! good pics and I love your twist bag. take care:heart:
Thanks meepmeep.

Thanks for sharing! I will have to add a twist to my collection one of these days..Hoping for a speedy recovery xx
Thank you my dear fyn... It does come in pink :giggle:.

I love it! Thanks for showing us all the different ways to wear a twist while you recover. Hope you feel perfect again very soon!
Thank you for your kind words SDBagLover. :heart:
Gorgeous, gorgeous bag! This colour combo is so beautiful and versatile. Thank you for your tutorial! Now you made me feel I “need” a twist! [emoji16][emoji4]
Thanks inard... I used to think people with 5 Almas and 3 speedy bags were nuts, but I get it now as I am Twist obsessed having 4 of them and wanting another. Lol.

This info makes the twist that much more versatile. Thanks for sharing- your bag is gorgeous.
Your welcome LV 4 ever :biggrin:.

Very educational posts! Love it darling and wish you a speedy recovery :heart::girlsigh:
Thank you Poochie :hugs:.
Thanks chasey price. If your Twist has the leather strap with buckles, the chain is then completely removable. If it helps, I can do some step by step pictures. :smile:

I actually don’t have a twist, I just remember the ones I saw in the store did not have removable chains.... so is it that only certain kinds of twists have removable chains?

Anyway, very cool hack. Thanks for sharing!
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Wow! I had no idea. Can you post pictures step by step? I’d like to try this!
My pleasure...

1. What the buckle looks like close up. It is a keyhole punch style with leather grommet.


2. Hold buckle towards yourself as you will be pulling forward on the leather.


3. The leather could be a bit stiff so I used a pair of pliers because it just makes it easier. Put a soft piece of cloth over the tip to protect the leather.


4. Grab with pliers and pull forward and upward.

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