Real Housewives of ORANGE COUNTY (RHoOC)

I agree, I'm not a Peggy fan at all. I don't feel she brings anything to the show and is obnoxious on top of it. She's struggling to fit into the mix and it's awkward to watch, I'd rather have Heather back or even Alexis.

Lydia needs to go as well, why is she even back? And the "cut his balls off" nonsense for the past 3 episodes is tired and annoying. She thinks it's so cute and funny, meanwhile she sounds like an uneducated ditz. Struggling for a storyline much, Lydia.
Shannon, I think it's pretty clear this woman needs to check into some sort of mental facility.
I agree, I'm not a Peggy fan at all. I don't feel she brings anything to the show and is obnoxious on top of it. She's struggling to fit into the mix and it's awkward to watch, I'd rather have Heather back or even Alexis.

Lydia needs to go as well, why is she even back? And the "cut his balls off" nonsense for the past 3 episodes is tired and annoying. She thinks it's so cute and funny, meanwhile she sounds like an uneducated ditz. Struggling for a storyline much, Lydia.
Shannon, I think it's pretty clear this woman needs to check into some sort of mental facility.

We are on the same wavelength
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I read this too. Icky Viki is a total hypocrite!! She denied inviting him to her birthday party when there's proof she did. She continues to deny she lied about Brook's cancer but she's on video admitting she frabricated the story for sympathy & compassion. Girl, pick a lane. This woman is pathalogical & for the life of me, I can't comprehend why Steve would want to have a relationship with Crazy!!! He seems like a nice guy.
I guess it's Vicki's way to just keep denying even with video proof out there. She's the same as Shannon, just keep denying and maybe it will go away.
In some ways, Vicki is so smart, she created her insurance business and must be ethical about it or else it wouldn't have flourished like it has, why does she think that lying on TV is going to cut it.
Does she really think it makes for good TV?
I've always liked Vicki on the show, but she's making it hard with refusing to own up to the Brooks' scandal. I bet it would fade away more if she's just owned up to her involvement.
^^^ I never really cared for Vickie to begin with but she's evolved into one of the biggest, hypocritical, lying A-hole I've ever seen. I would not buy a cup of coffee from her! Her business may be flourishing, but being so unethical & untruthful in her personal life has got to seep into her business life. This woman is a POS!!
Steve should run for his life!!!