Your PF Username - How did you come up with it?

I am a "child" of the 80's when Madonna was hot thus a take on the name Material Girl.
It's Materiel because I was a logistician in the Army for 15 of my 30 years in.
And Grrl, because even though I wasn't a follower of the 80-90's female punk rock era (way too into Prince and other alt Rock) I thought I was too bad a$$ and contrary to just be a girl. Although I'm an old a$$ now, I'm going to my grave kicking and screaming in my hottest shoes.
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My husband recently saw what my Purse Forum user name was as he hovered over me as I perused PurseForum.

Husband - Sapphire Gem??
Me - Yeah. [emoji846]
Husband - They probably think you're a stripper.
Me - Umm...I don't think so... [emoji55]

I happen to like sapphires. [emoji170]

How did you choose your Purse Forum user Id? What was the reasoning behind it?

Inquiring minds want to know. [emoji848]
Hahahaha that's hilarious. My username is what my husband calls me jokingly when I carry my luxury bags- fancy pants haha. And the 77 was supposed to be 777 for a number sequence in numerology I like, but my husband actually created my account for me and typed it in wrong lol. Sapphire gem is very pretty though. Even if you hadn't said you like sapphires, that's exactly what I would've thought from your name. Very pretty :smile:
Hahahaha that's hilarious. My username is what my husband calls me jokingly when I carry my luxury bags- fancy pants haha. And the 77 was supposed to be 777 for a number sequence in numerology I like, but my husband actually created my account for me and typed it in wrong lol. Sapphire gem is very pretty though. Even if you hadn't said you like sapphires, that's exactly what I would've thought from your name. Very pretty :smile:

Aww..thank you! Men are so weird sometimes!

Your user name story is so cute!
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