Department Store Chanel vs Chanel Boutiques

Since it is a Chanel Boutique, I am very surprised to hear that. One would expect their policies to be similar across the world? No?
We do have Chanel muti-brand retailers here in the US, such as Hirshleifers, whose return policy is for exchange or store credit only, just as you have mentioned.
[All of our Hermes Boutiques only offer an exchange or store credit within a specified number of days. Yet, if one purchases the same item on, "that" can be returned for a full-refund. I learned "this" the hard way.]
I try to avoid purchasing from retailers who enforce a NO REFUND policy. I do not agree with this type of policy. However, I am guilty of having engaged if/when it was an item I was extremely interested in securing.

Chanel in Australia also don't provide a refund, only an exchange or credit note. We also only have Chanel in the boutiques and not at department stores.

Sorry - double post!
Chanel in Dubai will only exchange an item or issue a credit note. They say there are NO REFUNDS. I would say this is unacceptable?? What do you think?

Chanel boutiques in UK do this same policy. I find this policy is fair to avoid premium goods returned constantly but Harrods points are good when buying Chanel - typically I just buy where I like the goods as each varies its stock somewhat.

One pet hate is the lack of waitlist, order ability or reservations in London unlike [emoji631]- you can spend through the nose and its still very much chance on size style colour etc. - grrr!

When I went to NYC along 5th Avenue area boutiques near each other so easier to walk along and find exact item you want.

That's how I got my Chevron Jumbo So Black @ Bloomingdales despite none in London/Heathrow & Paris as I stopped at Chanels & CDG Airport en route with Air [emoji632] France.
- one heck of a search!!
I went to one of the Chanel boutiques in NYC today and they had a black caviar jumbo out in SHW. The caviar felt AWFUL. It honestly could have been mistaken for cardboard. I asked the SA if this was this seasons caviar or just the bag and she looked at me like I was wasting her time. Then she showed me some bag that she got out of the bag that was smushed beyond belief. I went in trying to get more of a handle on what I want to gift myself for my birthday and left discouraged. No way am I spending that much money on ****ty quality. I had a little time left and decided to go into Bergdorfs since it was right there and their bags were SO much nicer! I'm really shocked that a boutique would have such crappy product.
I went to one of the Chanel boutiques in NYC today and they had a black caviar jumbo out in SHW. The caviar felt AWFUL. It honestly could have been mistaken for cardboard. I asked the SA if this was this seasons caviar or just the bag and she looked at me like I was wasting her time. Then she showed me some bag that she got out of the bag that was smushed beyond belief. I went in trying to get more of a handle on what I want to gift myself for my birthday and left discouraged. No way am I spending that much money on ****ty quality. I had a little time left and decided to go into Bergdorfs since it was right there and their bags were SO much nicer! I'm really shocked that a boutique would have such crappy product.
Sadly I have shared this same experience not only in the Chanel Boutique on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, CA but also extends as far as my local multi-brand retailers (Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus AND Saks Fifth Avenue). I have purchased the majority of my Chanel from Bergdorf Goodman and Hirshleifers.
I've found that in NYC, the treatment I get depends solely on the SA. I've had crappy service at the boutiques as well as inside department stores. I once went into the main boutique on 5th and the sales associate asked me what I mean by "2.55 reissue"... what!? I've also had good experiences with 2 SAs at different locations so I'm sticking with them.
In the DC metro area, the Chanel Boutique is like down the hall in the Tysons II mall from Neiman's Chanel section. I've never thought to see if there was a price difference. I often bought at the Chanel boutique because they could take Visa because Neimans only took Amex, Diner and Neimans cards. That was part of my reason for applying for an Amex card. Now that I have one I shop in both stores...I always check both because often one will have things the other does not. The boutique also had broader shoe options.
Had the luxury of shopping both those stores recently and it was just wonderful!! Lucky you to have both.
I was really shocked to discover today Chanel boutiques don't refund - exchange only. I had instant buyer's remorse over a Wallet on Chain in a seasonal colour today and returned it within a couple of hours. I've shopped a LOT in Chanel and never had to return; I just assumed a refund would be fine. I don't recall ever being told it was exchange only. In fairness, it is in the Ts and Cs on the back of the receipt card.

Long story short, I was actually refunded as a gesture of goodwill. But lesson learnt. I prefer boutique shopping for a whole host of reasons, but I think I will stick to Harrods/Selfridges from now on just to be safe.
I was really shocked to discover today Chanel boutiques don't refund - exchange only. I had instant buyer's remorse over a Wallet on Chain in a seasonal colour today and returned it within a couple of hours. I've shopped a LOT in Chanel and never had to return; I just assumed a refund would be fine. I don't recall ever being told it was exchange only. In fairness, it is in the Ts and Cs on the back of the receipt card.

Long story short, I was actually refunded as a gesture of goodwill. But lesson learnt. I prefer boutique shopping for a whole host of reasons, but I think I will stick to Harrods/Selfridges from now on just to be safe.

Yes I agree.
Chanel and all the designer shops say No Refund. However if you buy their products in a department store or Net a Porter etc you can have a refund. Again, it is very poor customer service and all the designers are guilty of this.
Chanel and all the designer shops say No Refund. However if you buy their products in a department store or Net a Porter etc you can have a refund. Again, it is very poor customer service and all the designers are guilty of this.

I've not found this with Mulberry or Louis Vuitton (the only other boutiques I shop at regularly enough to have the occasional return) except, in the case of the former, during their seasonal sales. Department stores have excellent return policies though - and all online stores have to offer at least a seven day cooling off period in the U.K. Just puts me off boutique shopping.
Any benefit to choosing boutique over department store?

Anyone know why the prices for Chanel are slightly lower in Neiman's (the only "department" store in my neck of the woods that sells Chanel) than at the Chanel Boutique? I bought my leather and chain belt yesterday at Neiman's for $495 and at the Chanel store around the corner the same belt was $525. The re-issue I bought in Neiman's was $1,975 vs. Boutique at over $2,000.

Just wondering....:smile:
Going to check it out this week! I've always shopped at neimans or NYC channel