What nail polish are you wearing?

Gorgeous blue

^what a sweet mani! :heart:

^love the flower glitter! you need a thick TC for those big flowers. seche vite is good if you can get it over there. I also use gelous, but again, not sure if you can get it.

^I'll post a pic in the WC thread ;)
Thanks! I think I can get seche vite online, but I've never seen gelous before. Is it available in store? I have a friend going to the US in september, I might ask her to bring me a bottle.

Gorgeous coral

This is so you! Love it! A shame they came off!

Chanel Azure with a stamped fish scale design. I've gotten more compliments on this in one day than I think any other polish/stamping I've done combined! Though everyone first asks me if they're Jamberry... :hrmm:
Oh this sounds pretty! I would love to see a picture

Thank you ! :smile:

Thank you ! I'm glad, that I'm using it now more often. Love to carry it

Wonderful color for summer days !

Thank you !

More trial and error :lol:
So fun !

P2 Pro White,Dior Perle, Opi Whistle My Pirouette


OMG you're doing such unique combos already! I'm impressed! I love it!