I Have this One Little Spot


Still Lusty
Mar 25, 2007
Don't know where it came from or what it is...but it's a spot on the punch stripe of my swing pack. I ordered the cleaner today but I'm assuming it's better to try and get it out the sooner the better.

It seems to be something that has soaked into the fabric (not just on the surface) so should I try soap and water or run and get some baby wipes? I've always wondered if the baby wipes were just used to clean brand new surface splotches...
Don't know where it came from or what it is...but it's a spot on the punch stripe of my swing pack. I ordered the cleaner today but I'm assuming it's better to try and get it out the sooner the better.

It seems to be something that has soaked into the fabric (not just on the surface) so should I try soap and water or run and get some baby wipes? I've always wondered if the baby wipes were just used to clean brand new surface splotches...

The signature cleaner should take care of it just fine. But if you can't wait I'd try soap and water, gently, with possibly a "very soft" headed toothbrush (you can get these at drugstores, make sure you get the softest bristles possible), before I'd use baby wipes. baby wipes won't hurt it but if it's set into the fabric and not on the surface I can't see them helping much at all.

I don't use shout wipes or tide pens on my bags because they can change the colour of the fabric, fade or brighten it, I've noticed, and that makes me paranoid.

Just my .02, hope it helps!
shout wipes work great on stains on fabric and I just used the alcohol trick to get ink off leather. if you use water, be careful, you don't want to leave water spots

good luck!! :yes: