The New CL * DIY * Thread!

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Sorry ladies, I don´t get you ... if anyone online theses days would know were to get those spikes ... they would tell you. Believe me - you get every help you need to make your dream come true ... BUT you have to make your homework as well, not only posting and waiting ... I bet you, if I would need spikes ... I would find them in at least 2 hours! But I don´t need them :smile:

please forgive my direct way of speaking, it had to come out.

Why would you post and ask? We were trying to be helpful by answering you despite your rudeness. Some places where you can get materials for a DIY project are over-priced, not reputable, bad customer service, etc.

That's why this thread of this sub-forum is so outstanding. The ladies who have done their own DIY projects show their progress, before and after pics, and also offer advice re: DIY projects for those who haven't done one yet. (Including where to buy the materials and which materials to use on what products).

I personally am very thankful to these ladies and admire them greatly. They have inspired me to maybe one day try to do one myself! So, please, let's remember the lesson we learned when we were children: "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all".
I have finally finished my shoes. I just need some where to wear them now


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Sorry ladies, I don´t get you ... if anyone online theses days would know were to get those spikes ... they would tell you. Believe me - you get every help you need to make your dream come true ... BUT you have to make your homework as well, not only posting and waiting ... I bet you, if I would need spikes ... I would find them in at least 2 hours! But I don´t need them :smile:

please forgive my direct way of speaking, it had to come out.

Are you serious? I tried to answer the best I could. Don't chastise me for trying to help a rude member!
Sorry ladies, I don´t get you ... if anyone online theses days would know were to get those spikes ... they would tell you. Believe me - you get every help you need to make your dream come true ... BUT you have to make your homework as well, not only posting and waiting ... I bet you, if I would need spikes ... I would find them in at least 2 hours! But I don´t need them :smile:

please forgive my direct way of speaking, it had to come out.

If I recall correctly, there have only been five or fewer DIYs that involved studs or spikes. If you used the search feature associated with this thread (and the previous DIY threads) prior to asking your question, you would have found the information you were looking for.

Often times, if people don't answer it's not because they're trying to be rude but because they don't know.
Hi girls,

Just wanted to share with you all my first DIY attempt at strassing. I'm really happy with how these turned out! I bought them for an absolute steal off ebay because the previous owner's dog had attacked these and left bite marks everywhere and ripped bits of leather off the front of one of the shoes - but the shoe itself was hardly worn at all. I glued down the loose bits and painted a few coats of Jaquad Lumiere Pearlescent Blue and strassed these in cobalt blue :smile:


Amazing job! Though I really would have loved to seen the before pics ;)
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