Magic Mike

I'm not a male stripper fan but I'm so excited to see this movie! IDK why it just looks like a really fun movie to see with just the girls!

We're doing mexican/magarita's(non alcoholic for me of course) and then the movie.

Oh how I wish I could get a good buzz on before I go see this movie! :drinkup:

"Its illagel to touch - I see a lot of law breakers in here" :woohoo:
Let me just say I have been checking our movie theatre's website every day since last Thursday and they STILL don't have times for Friday!!! I am getting so annoyed with them. They have times for SpiderMan and whatever the hell comes out July 15th but they don't have Friday's movies up. Lame.
Ok, there has to be a way I can capitalize off this movie. Maybe I'll stand outside the theater with a puppy or something and wait for the girls to come out.
I have been to a few different shows. I had a blast every time I went! I have been to Le Bare in Texas and then some travelling group came to town at a local bar so I went to that as well. I want to say that was Men of Playgirl but I'm not sure. It was close to ten years ago.