My DIY fob display case ^_^

giggles016 said:
I love it! Where did you get the corkboard to fit the frame size?

I bought a roll of Cork Board at the crafts store...they also have squares of cork board you can buy. And I attached the cork the the hard wood panel on the back of the frame then wrapped it all in fabric. Voila! Finished :]
What a great idea! You are so creative! I love how your project turned out, looks great!

Also love your new purchases. I want that wallet!!! How lucky to find at the outlet.

Great fob collection too! They are totally addicting.
Thank you all!!!! I'm super excited and now that I have my fobs showing off in the room the fiancé is taking a like to them!! Hehehe maybe he'll get me one for Valentines day?!?!? Oooo I'm totally going to hint and leave a BIG SPACE for one to go so he doesn't think that I can't fit one more!