Mom and sis giving me hell for owning LV

I totally agree and i make sure that my phone bill, school books and metropass is paid before i make any big purchases. That's why i was so annoyed at my moms constant nagging

To be honest, I disagree that all needs come before wants. Sure, I rolled my eyes when Lindsay Lohan told the judge she couldn't afford counseling while wearing $1200 Louboutins. But you're young, and you should enjoy your life. Maybe the money could be spent on charity or gas, but if you're constantly on the straight and narrow, there'd be no fun in life. Pay your bills, and save. But don't forget to give generously to yourself and your loved ones!
hey, do you work? earn your own money? so it's only YOUR thing what to do with your money! i think it's truely sad when femily members are not happy for / with her sis / daughter... that's not the thing it should be! don't hear what they say, just enjoy your speedy!
I just turned 20 and I got my first LV when I was 19 but I recently bought a Chanel. And my mom thinks i'm crazy to spend so much lol but I saved my own money (some birthday money and such too) lol but in the end it's all about what makes you happy lol.
i am 22 and my family was like that when i purchassed my 1st lv. now, my mother is supportive and she gave me advice to get the mini pochette in damier ebene (i wanted to get the mono). i am so grateful for her advice because i love my pochette now and wear it a lot. but i had an argument with my aunt because she said that my nf was ugly, cheap looking bag and she said that she would never give that much money for it. she is also very cheap.
Hey OP - so sorry your family's getting you down. Its such a shame that they've been on your case to the extent that its starting to mess with your enjoyment of your bag. I think its really hard to give advice on how to deal with family since we all have completely different family dynamics but maybe you could sit them down and explain that whilst you get that pricey purses are not their thing, you'd worked hard for them and they gave you something to aim for and all this nagging is really starting to get to you. Whilst their unlikely to change their minds about the bag being too extravagant I'm sure neither actually wants to hurt your feelings so hopefully that might stop them in their tracks?
Or if you think that this will be an ongoing battle then maybe you could ask them why they are genuinely so against them and talk them through that.

For me, my mum and I both share a lot of similiar passions so that's rarely a problem but with extended family and most of my friends I get the regular eye rolling, digs etc and I just shrug those off. If someone genuinely wants to know what possesses me to spend so much on bags, I'll have an open conversation with them but for those who just like to make comments, I don't bother reacting to it - its a pointless battle. As far as I'm concerned, there's never really a need to call someone out on their spending habits unless they're getting themselves into debt etc over it. So in most cases people say things to try and make themselves feel more superior etc and I can't be bothered to dignify that with a response. What I have noticed though is that the less I respond, the less those comments are made.
Anyway - in spite of all this, congrats on your bag and please do enjoy using it!
Babe, I feel your pain! I'm living with my mom, my daughter, and, on ocassion, my younger sister. I'm 55 and still have to hide my LV purchases because my mom and daughter don't approve! I had hoped that at this time of my life I could enjoy some luxuries, but with a daughter in college who feels that I should spend every dime on her, I feel stuck. I have to admit when my daughter was younger, we enjoyed browsing the LV store in SF. My girl even suggested I buy a monogram musette tango, and I did. But those days are over. A few years ago I bought a speedy 35 with some of my income tax return. That purchase caused a few raised eyebrows from every one in the household, but nothing major. I'm now jonesing for a Damier Speedy 30, and am considering buying one with my 2011 tax return money. Hey, if I can fund my daughter's trip to Europe next summer, I can treat myself to an $800 bag! I'm making pretty decent money right now and won't go into debt when buying LV. My younger sister seems to understand my love of LV even though she is not into luxury items and would never purchase a designer bag for herself. My mom can't understanding paying a lot of money for a purse, and my brother, who I see rarely, thinks I'm nuts for buying luxury bags. In his mind, purses are nothing more than an article to carry things in, and a cheap purse will work just as well as an expensive one. Spoken like a man, eh?

To the OP: enjoy your bag. My daughter is 21 and I would never begrudge her the purchase of a luxury item that she saved to buy. I purchased my first LV speedy at the age of 20 when I got my first job. But then they were only a little over 200; still a lot of money back in the 70s. You only live once!
:shocked:What!!! You're funding your daughter's trip to Europe? Wow, that's over the top. Anyone over 20 should be able to fund their own bags and their own trips. No one ever paid for any of my luxury items, or cars, or education. I worked my way through college, and whatever luxury items I own are funded by my own hard work. I feel that kids today have a sense of entitlement that their parents owe them something else beside raising them to age 18 and teaching them values. They need to learn to work and appreciate what hard work alone will bring them. Call me old fashioned but that's the way I feel.
:shocked:What!!! You're funding your daughter's trip to Europe? Wow, that's over the top. Anyone over 20 should be able to fund their own bags and their own trips. No one ever paid for any of my luxury items, or cars, or education. I worked my way through college, and whatever luxury items I own are funded by my own hard work. I feel that kids today have a sense of entitlement that their parents owe them something else beside raising them to age 18 and teaching them values. They need to learn to work and appreciate what hard work alone will bring them. Call me old fashioned but that's the way I feel.

My parents don't help me either. The only thing they help pay for is for my car insurance and gas and school when I went there, that's it. Everything else I pay for. ALL my purchases, ALL my food, etc, etc. I do NOT think I'm spoiled. My mom gives me crap about what I spend from my money, too.
Babe, I feel your pain! I'm living with my mom, my daughter, and, on ocassion, my younger sister. I'm 55 and still have to hide my LV purchases because my mom and daughter don't approve! I had hoped that at this time of my life I could enjoy some luxuries, but with a daughter in college who feels that I should spend every dime on her, I feel stuck. I have to admit when my daughter was younger, we enjoyed browsing the LV store in SF. My girl even suggested I buy a monogram musette tango, and I did. But those days are over. A few years ago I bought a speedy 35 with some of my income tax return. That purchase caused a few raised eyebrows from every one in the household, but nothing major. I'm now jonesing for a Damier Speedy 30, and am considering buying one with my 2011 tax return money. Hey, if I can fund my daughter's trip to Europe next summer, I can treat myself to an $800 bag! I'm making pretty decent money right now and won't go into debt when buying LV. My younger sister seems to understand my love of LV even though she is not into luxury items and would never purchase a designer bag for herself. My mom can't understanding paying a lot of money for a purse, and my brother, who I see rarely, thinks I'm nuts for buying luxury bags. In his mind, purses are nothing more than an article to carry things in, and a cheap purse will work just as well as an expensive one. Spoken like a man, eh?

To the OP: enjoy your bag. My daughter is 21 and I would never begrudge her the purchase of a luxury item that she saved to buy. I purchased my first LV speedy at the age of 20 when I got my first job. But then they were only a little over 200; still a lot of money back in the 70s. You only live once!

Gosh, why can't I have a mom like you? Can you adopt me? Lol. :biggrin:
I can't help but feel they are just jealous. Jealousy can be the only explanation that causes a person to go on and on about something you have which they don't. What if someone gave your mom or your sister an LV bag, would they refuse it and not use it even if it was a gift and did not cost any money at all? I don't think so, right? ;)
So sorry to hear your story. I had a similar situation with my sister until I bought her a small LV and now she's added to her collection and I don't hear anything now.

The rest of my family including my DH all support me if I want to spend my money on something nice. I work hard and once all the bills etc are paid then my husband told me to treat myself as you only live once and having no children I'm not trying to leave anything to anyone!

People at work sometimes make snide comments but you just need to rise above them. 9 times out of 10 it's just pure jealousy - but I know it will hurt.

They'll get bored eventually and you will still have your bag - swing it proudly :smile:
My mother just rolls her eyes when she sees my new purchases :smile: If you are already mature and responsible you need to reward yourself once and a while. That makes all of your hard work worth it! I have friends who make rude comments about how I choose to spend my money and I just do my best to ignore them. It is none of their business anyway.

Once you move out you wont have to worry about your mother and sisters nagging anymore!:smile:
If you have saved for this and are responsible with your money, setting the right financial priorities etc, I don't think you should feel guilty. Having said that, if your mom is a thrifty person I can well understand why she may be upset when you splurge on luxury goods. So perhaps try to strike a balance and just make this your only expensive bag for the time being. Hopefully after a while your mom and sis will get tired of nagging and stop. Just don't provoke that by expanding your collection ;) You can always do that once you are financially independent.
Do you have a job or are you living off of your parents? If you are working and have saved up the money from your own earnings, then I say just enjoy your bag.

If you're living off your parents, I would say your mom and your sis are completely correct to lecture you about buying such an expensive bag for yourself. Your mom pays for your food, clothes, and a comfortable home for you. If she wants to be upset that you are taking her hard earned allowance for you and wasting it on non-essential items, then she has the right. The money she gave you was not intended for you to go and buy a luxury hand bag. It doesn't matter how long you've saved up for it because it just means that she's been spending more money on you just so you don't have to spend that much to support yourself!

Anyway, now that the damage is done... just wait for the fire to die down and you can explain to them that this bag will last you a long time... so it's better you buy just this one bag rather than 10 other bags in the next few years. You can even offer them to borrow it (although I highly doubt you'd want to after all their nagging).

Sorry if I offended you but it just upsets me when people don't appreciate what their parents do for them.
Do you have a job or are you living off of your parents? If you are working and have saved up the money from your own earnings, then I say just enjoy your bag.

If you're living off your parents, I would say your mom and your sis are completely correct to lecture you about buying such an expensive bag for yourself. Your mom pays for your food, clothes, and a comfortable home for you. If she wants to be upset that you are taking her hard earned allowance for you and wasting it on non-essential items, then she has the right. The money she gave you was not intended for you to go and buy a luxury hand bag. It doesn't matter how long you've saved up for it because it just means that she's been spending more money on you just so you don't have to spend that much to support yourself!

Anyway, now that the damage is done... just wait for the fire to die down and you can explain to them that this bag will last you a long time... so it's better you buy just this one bag rather than 10 other bags in the next few years. You can even offer them to borrow it (although I highly doubt you'd want to after all their nagging).

Sorry if I offended you but it just upsets me when people don't appreciate what their parents do for them.

Sorry, but I agree.