chameleon insert is the winner

Pigleto, it is called the purse pal and I just got one of those also. They have other cheaper ones on the market but I opted for this one . . . I figure you get what you pay for and I was not taking a chance with my beloved "tangy B"

PursePal > Home
sounds like i'll have to try out this chameleon myself! :smile:

does anyone know the name of those doohicky things that you can put on your table and hang your bag down from it? it's like a purse hook? one of my friend's girlfriend had one but she never told me where she got it. does it work on a 35 cm birkin or is it too heavy? sorry to hijack the thread :blush:
it is called Handbag Hanger.
on the box, it says that it will hold 20 lbs.

my daughter just got it for me as one of my chanukah gifts.
i haven't used it yet because i have been carrying my evelyne2
as a messenger bag.
will certainly let you know if it works when i carry my birkin 35.
(i have to bring my birkin to claude @ madison avenue to have
the inside pocket sewn, so i may not be carrying it for quite awhile.)
ok, I went out for a dinner with friends tonight and used both the Chameleon (purse organizer) and the purse pal (bag hanger). They are both must haves forthe Birkin 35.

happy weekend
Thanks so much candace & shoppingbaglady for the chameleon recommendation! Candace- love the pix! I'm convinced! I'm getting the chameleon xsturdy right away. The only thing is why do they offer that model only in black and silver??? I want a fun color! Especially b/c I always wear my Birkin open!
I just looked at the Chameleon pix again. It looks like it fills out the "depth" of the bag. So is it going to be a problem when you want to wear the Birkin closed? Because when the Birkin is closed the top of the bag tends to be "thinner." But when there's a tall, rectangular Chameleon on the inside, is it going to interfere with the shap when the birkin's closed? TIA for any information!
Angel, you can still close the purse with the organizer in it. It was probably the angle of the pic that made it look like you could not. They just started making the x-sturdy, so the lady that makes them probably just stayed with basci colors.
ThompK, I would think that you would need a large purseket for your JPG or the chameleon. I know the JPG is a wider and shorter, that is why I think the purseket would be best . . . But i don't know for sure
Candace, thanks for the insert study. I have the pursepal and found the same problem with it. I even tried a smaller pursepal. Now I have ordered the chameleon. My birkins will finally look less sloppy. Thanks for the pictures too with your lovely bag.