Advice needed: what's the deal with this guy?


Nov 18, 2006
Hi I'm really puzzled about this guy:

So my friend set us up, we talked in email for a while and decided to meet for dinner. Then we met and he wasn't spectacular and seemed way too self-protective, can't carry on a conversation with him, like he also retreats after 2 sentences. Anyway so he paid for dinner and we bid goodnight. At this point I was like hmm I'm not sure, kinda iffy, but leaning towards no.

Then no emails or phone calls for 2 weeks! I was like phew, lack of interest mutually. And then suddenly he asked for dinner again. I was like umm sure one more date. This time he suggested movie and drinks afterwards. I was like okay...... sure. But at this point, I'm pretty sure I'm not interested. The guy is too selfish he finished the shared appetizer cuz "it was good" :hysteric: I didn't say a word, and was like sure I need that diet.

Afterwards again nothing for a week, at this point I'm really puzzled. Although I'm not interested, but what's the deal? Is he just rude? socially inept? playing hard to get? not interested?
in general how many dates does it take for you to know for sure?

I think its clear that you shouldnt go out with him again. You never mentioned anything positive about him.. thats a sure sign you arent really digging him. Not to mention you said it yourself that you werent into him, more than once. Im surprised you went out with him a 2nd time to be honest.
I knew by the first date.

But you can keep going out with him if you want free dinners (kidding!!!). But since you already are thinking no, just be strong so when the time comes and he calls again just firmly say no.