Food Addicted to Diet Coke -- you too?

My husband is addicted to the diet Coke w/lime. I'm a diet Pepsi addict. I don't drink coffee, but I sure get too much caffeine with all the cans I go thru. In the grocery store they always look at me kind of funny with 2 brands of diet cola in my cart.
Totally addicted and have been for more years than I care to remember. Last year they started pushing cola light here and it's disgusting, reminds me of the old Tab, yuck!
diet coke rocks. i crave it now after just a few days without drinking it. i used to be able to finish a 2 liter every day. my roommate last year used to drink one to two 12-packs of it every day. yes you heard me right! no worries, the addiction is normal, and you guys definitely don't have the worst of it!!!
Diet Coke was inexplicably out of stock last night so I ended up with Coke Zero out of sheer deserpation. It is not cutting it -- bleh, this stuff is awful.

Anyone else gotta have their Diet Coke? :wtf: I used to be awful and drink 3-4 a day, but now I limit myself to one, maybe two.

What in the world???? I've never heard of such a thing!!! I'd go crazy! I drink 3,4, maybe 5 a day.
Another Diet Coke freak here!!! :yahoo: So is hubby. Between the two of us, I don't even want to think how many we go through each day. I buy four 24-pack cases each week and we usually have six 24-pack cases as "back-up" and rotate them to make sure we don't get behind on the dates. :P
DIET COKE ADDICT!!! :drool: :choochoo:

Then comes coffee...

I really should get some more water intake...I think I take in 8 glasses of D.Coke and Coffee....but I'll be lucky to even get a cup of water in a day!.. hmm...gosh that sounds horrible!~
my gosh you ladies are drinking ALOT of artificial sugar ;p that stuffs not that great for you, but anyways, i dont like coke so i just drink water, but my bf is addicted and has about 2 cans a day ;p
Either Diet Coke or Diet Cherry Pepsi.

(But moreoften it's Diet Coke.)

There's something to be said about a good movie, a Diet Coke and some popcorn at the movies.

Or, at home, a good tv show, a Diet Coke and some really good dinner. (Or after dinner, a Diet Coke and a bowl of popcorn or something.)

Diet Coke makes good things even better!