I was robbed by my closest friend. Scarce good people left.

That really is terrible, you need to be careful with whom you let into your house even close friends cant be trusted. I would definitely go to the police and file the report - I cant believe that, I would be so furious I would want to kill her!
LondonBrat, i have no words! I'm shocked! How can a person be so mean?

I 'm so sorry that you have to go through this! I will cross my fingers for you, that you'll take your stuff back!!!
This is awful - you must be so traumatised - it's frightening to think that someone can do something so awful to a friend. I agree with every one who says to make as full an inventory as you can, and report it to the police. If you can afford to get a lawyer to contact her uncle, that might get some family pressure applied. If the worry is that she might disappear, a private investigator would be the best bet.
london - do something, ANYTHING, but don't let news of it get back to her. she mustn't know, or else she can hide your things at someone else's flat, or just move away with your things never to be seen or heard from again.
My goodness...thank you everyone so much. You have all been to sweet.

Todays update:
So kept texting her from early in the morning (she doesnt answer my calls)...and then I got a reply saying that she was going to her uncles house as her uncle was traveling abroad today. And that se woul get my stuff then. I replied telling her I want to go to her uncles house with her to "help her carry stuff". I was really sweet and nicer but I swear to God I fell like throwing up!
She told me no, i couldnt come and that she would call me. I lost it completely inside but tried to keep cool outside. I told her I was trying my bestto be understanding here but that I was begining to feel like I was running after her and that she was being unfair to me.
She replied sayig that she loves me to bits and apologise and said she would call in a bit.

Since then no reply or call. I text her lists of stuff that was missing. Several times.
I text her last 2 months ago saying: You didnt call. Youre not going to give me anything back are you?

I dont want to sound melodramatic but, I am in shock. I just cant get over it. Im a person that values everything I own. Every little thing has a story, I dont mass buy. Ill save up for things I like. I never throw things out, everythings labled and packed well. Everything was so...argh. Just so special to me. I'm going to stop now. Im going mad.

I can't stop thinking about it, and I feel all chocked up. Like a baseball is stuck in my throat. Thank you again everyone, you have been so supposrteive. Tomorrow I am going to try again and maybe around the places the hangs out and try to find her. If I dont succeed I'm going to the police. :cry:
Go directly to the police and meet her with a cop at her uncle's house. She is totally untrustworthy and it seems to me she is trying to buy time until she stashes the stuff somewhere no one can find it. If I were you, I would definitely take action ASAP.
This is definitely theft. They say most break-ins are done by people the owner knows... so you would definitely have a case with the police.

Do not let this crazy woman get away with it. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Londonbrat, I am so sorry to hear about this! Whatever you decide to do, we're behind you 100%. It's hard to lose a friend and all this on top of it too!

As far as her, I just have one word, karma. She is reaping badness to herself.

Good luck and keep us posted. I hope it gets resolved soon and without any more grief. *hugs*
LondonBrat said:
Tomorrow I am going to try again and maybe around the places the hangs out and try to find her. If I dont succeed I'm going to the police. :cry:
Unfortunately, if she planned to give your things back, she'd have done it by now. :sad: The longer you wait, the more time you're giving her to hide or sell what she's taken. You've given her enough chances to do the right thing - it's time to get the police involved. Call the cops tomorrow. Fill out a theft report, giving a detailed list of everything that was taken. Don't wait any longer!

Good luck, I hope it turns out well. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. ::hugs::