Opening of Hermes, Pavillion, Kuala Lumpur.

We were the first few guests to arrive. Familiar faces greeted us! I was very happy to see the senior SAs from the H stores from SG and they were very surprised to see me, as I had not told them I was going to be there. My SA and manager knew the day before, but these SAs hadn't known because they were there 2 days earlier to help with the store inventory and set up. medusa introduced me to her manager and we exchanged warm greetings. I loved what the KL manager was wearing. She used the Chaine D'Ancre can opener as a pendant, worn with a black leather string. Very innovative and it turned out to be very stylish. She had a black body hugging top and red Hermes lace skirt.

More to come ....
Thanks so much for the photo report so far mrssparkles!! :tup:
Sigh, it's been a while since I was last in KL (used to live in Malaysia), looks quite different now.
But anyhow, I'll be waiting patiently for more:girlsigh:
Waiting impatiently... How long does it take to tell a bedtime story?? :P

"Once upon a time, there was a princess who went to a party, there were horses, scarves, trumpets and a beautfiul diamond birkin...
Can you say 'birkin?'
Of course, you can.
All of a sudden, the princess realized there were many TPFers waiting to hear about the party, so she fled from the room with a few quick hugs and kisses and a promise to tell two stories tomorrow. And they ALL lived happily ever after."
Go on MrsS, you're an engaging writer. :flowers: Love the golden horse balloons.

I looked around and there he was ... glamously dressed as he said he would >> Eric. He had a great camera with him. So let's just say my amateurish photos are just fillers until he gets home and post his set of photos.

There was free flow of champagne and other non alcohic drinks. Slowly but surely, more guests arrived. There was socialites and there was Datins. (A "Datin" is the wife of a "Datuk", a federal title given to a male, I think in similar manner as a knight in England ... I am not good as this (help, ERIC! MEDUSA!!!) And the event was not short of glorious H bags! I think there were more birkins and kellies in one small square foot area than any other H event I'd attended before. It was Birkins and Kellies galore!

Here's an article relating to the event, that appeared in the local papers yesterday:-