Zoom Teeth Whitening

My husband is a dentist and uses Zoom with excellent results. He says that you do need to be careful what you eat afterwards (wine, coffee etc.) and that it is entirely normal to experience "zingers" or twinges of pain (nothing horrible) for 24 hours afterwards. Your dentist should also give you bleaching trays to use only to touch up when necessary- don't be shy, use them when you feel you need to brighten up.

As for the cost, it all depends on where you live. My hubby charges $350 but we live in Michigan where the cost of living is lower than in other parts of the country. Hope this helps! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, and I will have my hubby answer it! Good luck!
I have a Nite White kit from my dentist... they make a mold of your teeth and then you have the whitener to put it. I actually have a tray in right now- I absolutely love this. I think it was about $400-$500 (because of the teeth molds) but it was well worth it to me!
I have the trays also. Cost about $400 for the molds and included 2 tubes of bleaching gel (about a 2-week supply per tube). The good thing about the trays is that you can re-use them and only need to purchase the bleaching gel - which I think is around $25/tube.

The zoom treatment at my dentist is $450.
Hmm, I have an appointment to get "zoomed" in a couple of weeks, and am getting a "discounted" price of $600. I live in the Washington DC area, but I'm still wondering if this is kinda high....
I had Zoom whitening done last year. My dentist charged $500.00 and he did an excellent job. I tried the Crest White Strips before getting Zoom and did not like them at all. Only because my teeth were super sensitive to them and they drove me crazy.
Kathy K said:
Hmm, I have an appointment to get "zoomed" in a couple of weeks, and am getting a "discounted" price of $600. I live in the Washington DC area, but I'm still wondering if this is kinda high....

I would shop around first if I were you. I live in the same area and $600 is the regular rate. It just so happened that my dentist ran a Mother's Day special last year and knocked off $100.00 for his patients who wanted it.
I tried Crest Whitestrips, but it didn't work quite right for me. The strips were not long enough to cover all of my teeth. I suppose I could have doubled up on strips, but it was just too much effort. I have a consultation w/ a local dentist tomorrow and plan to go through w/ it! Apparently, I also get trays to take home for touch ups. I did some checking and $500 here in Boca Raton, FL seems like a fair price. I can't wait!
BagLuver said:
I did BriteSmile - $500. I was pleased with the results.

me too and it was $640 in Manhattan. I couldn't do the strips cuz my teeth are crooked so I needed to get em whitened in one fell swoop. My teeth were super sensitive for two weeks but after that it was cool. I loved the results. My teeth still look great and I am an avid Pepsi & tea drinker :sick:
I had it done about 1 1/2 years ago & it was $500. I don't know if the price has changed. I plan on getting it done again soon. Love my coffee/tea/diet cola too much! I had great results with it!
I am getting it done next Wednesday.

For 48 hours afterwards you cannot eat/drink anything that would (as they put it) stain a white shirt; but they will give me a list of approved foods and unapproved foods. Sensitivity is also normal immediatly proceeding treatment; but, I am using a flouride gel for the week leading up to treatment to minimize this discomfort.

I am very excited to do this - it is my reward for being smoke-free for 3+ years. :graucho: