You paid HOW MUCH?!

evolkatie said:
But yeah, HAha also my mommy also says that to me. I told her that I got it on eBay for a really cheap price haha.

HAHA, I say the same thing! She knows that I don't do I can't lie about that..but I just tell her I got it for really cheap on ebay.
I know that this is a Louis Vuitton thread, but the story is slightly related..

But after I bought my first Prada ($1300) I was over at my grandmas house..

She LOVED it and said, "Prada, I heard that's expensive, how much was it?" But she looked at me with narrowed eyes, slightly suspicious..

I couldnt answer her, so before I said anything she said "Less than $100, RIGHT?" Of course I answered "YES!":nuts:

So she said
"Good!, if it was so cheap, you don't mind that I borrow it every once in a a while right?" then she laughed and laughed..

I still can't tell her how much it was, my mother forbids me, but she has stopped asking to borrow it.. :amuse:
how tacky. its so rude to ask how much something cost. it shouldn't matter, as long as your love it. its obvious that she's jealous, and props to your boyfriend for supporting you and LV. fakes are just awful.
If people ask, I just say I can't remember, which is usually true most of the time. I have very bad memory espcially when it comes to numbers and $. My hubby is the one who foot the bills and handle the finance of our family. God, am I glad. Or I will end up investing all his hard earn money on bags and fashion items :nuts: .
Wow, that's really messed up. I really hate when someone asks how much my things cost. So much so that if I'm going somewhere I think someone might ask me something like that, I carry a more "discreet" bag.
Wow, how rude!!!
I hate how people are when they do that. Its none of their business!

Now, I either say it was a gift, or say that it doesnt matter because its not like they are going to buy it, or I may say that why would it matter, or I may just tell them the price and tell them how I got it an NM because most online shopping = FAKES. It all really depends on how much they are pissing me off
fr2nc1z, ita with you. It depends on my mood or the way they do it. lol

and it's surprising at how MANY people still ask what things cost, dont' they know ettiquite? All my friends/family ask me prices....come on! so rude.
Ack, I'm sorry that you got hit with the "how much was it" question AND then talked about in a different language.
My boyfriend's parents are from Taiwan and speak Chinese and they always talk about stuff in it when I'm around and I have no clue what's going on. I hate it LOL But I'm happy your boyfriend stood up for you and told her the cheap ones were fakes.
FINALLY, people who understand my pain!!! I go through this all the time with friends.... theyre like "awww thats so cute, how much was it?"... i usually reply with "u dont wanna know"... then theyll persist with it, when i finally tell them the price they give me the dirtiest looks. But i always dress well.. as if its surprising that i would own something so expensive. I like to look good all the time. And its MY damn money!! Ill do as i please...
But lately my relos have been really getting on my nerves about my bags, they arent into LV at all.. none of them have a designer handbag. So ive resorted to telling people theyre fake so i dont have to put up with q's..
Its hilarious how they wont giv u dirty looks if u tell them its fake, but they will if u tell them its authentic... whats the world coming to ?