Y01864 or Y01498? Two codes for same bag?

Jun 11, 2009
hi all- i just recently got a m/l caviar flap with gold h/w (:yahoo:) and noticed that the code on the tag reads Y01498. however, when i looked at the "style codes and dimensions" thread in the reference library, the code for caviar with gold h/w is Y01864. have the codes changed or are there two codes because there are two different kinds of caviar?
I only have a black caviar PST w/GHW but the SA took took the tag out. I might stop by a boutique tomorrow and ask my SA about your code issue. Hopefully, someone else will be able to help in the meantime?
Hi chanellenahC, I just bought a black ygh maxi today from saks, and I just check the tag and mines say Y01864 maybe u can call the place where u bought the bag and ask why or maybe someone else here maybe answer your questions.
thanks ladies. hmm, that's interesting. i wonder if different dept. stores have different codes? that shouldn't be the case though right? after all, it's chanel's tag, not the dept. store's tag. maybe some others can chime in.